Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Going back to the Islands

Heading to the Bahamas in the morning. I will be back on the 25th. We have internet at most of the places we will be so I will put some pictures up as I can.

Have fun sitting in your offices and/or classrooms.


Jae said...

you realize we all are hating you more and more with each post? :)

have some red-stripes for me

Leighton said...

i definitely picked the wrong the profession. you better takes lots of pix! i think we all need to get together and take a trip and have Logan as our fishing required:)

Nick D said...

Awesome Real Deal, put at least one pic of a girl in a bikini for once.

Yes fishing optional, drinking required.

Nick D said...

Awesome Real Deal, put at least one pic of a girl in a bikini for once.

Yes fishing optional, drinking required.

Leighton said...

Awesome Real Deal, put at least one pic of a girl in a bikini for once.

Yes fishing optional, drinking required.

Amanda said...

I could keep this going, but I've had enough. Hey at least I'm on Spring Break starting today. Plans for today: uhh, I just woke up, going to Target, going to my cousin's surprise party at Beef's, going out drinkin. Good start I think.

P.S. I had an interview early this morning (before I went back to sleep). It was for an internship with a corporate exercise testing/fitness company and I think it went really well. I'll let you guys know what happens, keep your fingers crossed for me!

Logan said...

Well, we made it to Chub Cay. If you dont know where that is, google it. Gonna be stuck at the dock for a couple of day though. Weather is gonna get bad. I will take some pics tomorrow.

Andrew said...

I know Chub Cay. My former boss, Vern Buchanan owns a large portion of that island. He wanted to take his whole staff there, but it was decided that would be a bit ridiculous. I am also pretty sure that Vern runs his re-insurance business through there.