Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hulk Do-Over

Check out the new trailer for "The Incredible Hulk" here.  Ed Norton is an upgrade, Liv Tyler is a downgrade, and The Abomination (played by Tim Roth) is a definite villian upgrade.  I'm not sure what to make of this 're-imagination' of The Hulk.  The trailer gets me a little excited about it, but not "Iron Man" excited, which looks awesome.  What do you guys think?


Adam said...

Yeah Tim Roth will be awesome. I'm not really sure how I feel about Norton though. He seems a bit too weeny to pull it off. Maybe if he looked like he did in American History X, but not like he normally does. Liv Tyler I think is definitely no Jennifer Connelly but she's definitely not the worst choice out there.

I am also interested in the Iron Man movie. Have you seen Downey's other project with Jack Black and Ben Stiller? He plays a black guy and he looks hysterical!

Nick D said...

All three of the movies mentioned look like must see movies in my book. I do wish Ed Norton had some type of muscle on him though.

Eric said...

He's playingBruce Banner, not this skinhead!

Andrew said...

I mean obviously Iron Man is going to be fantastic. Robert Downey Jr., is perfect for the role, mainly because he is a cocky drunk in real life. The Ben Stiller movie, I saw my first preview for it and it is going to be fantastic. I mean anyone in black face is great, like Josh from that English project some of you did in High School. As for the Hulk, I think it is going to suck. Edward Norton has been dragging down movies latley, in fact I could not tell you the last good movie he was in, probably Death to Smoochie. I guess the Painted Veil was okay, because it really looked like he died of Chollera. But the Illusionist sucked donkey balls. Down in the Valley and Kingdom of Heaven, I mean come on. He was the weakest person in the "Italian Job." Also I read that he was a bitch during editing, thinking he was in charge of it. I say boo to you, the person who got rid of Eric Bana.

Leighton said...

I can't wait to see Iron-man, but I will probably wait to see the new Hulk on dvd. I personally really liked Eric Bana in the first one.