Saturday, March 15, 2008

Addition to the DiVincenzo family

Let me start this off with saying no, nobody is having a kid. I just received word that Danny and Gina are now engaged. Could not have asked for a better guy to be marrying my sister. It is great news except for the fact my younger sister of nearly 4 years is engaged and I do not even have a girlfriend. Pam D is going to be putting the pressure on me now..haha. And my brother just turned 18. Man we are getting old.

PS Sorry Rory looks like you lost out bud.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to the DiVincenzo family! any word when the wedding might be?

Leighton said...

That is great news, congrats to those two!!! Gina does realize she just broke the hearts of everyone on this board doesn't she? Touche Danny, nice move.

On a related note Nick...we need to get moving, we are getting left behind!!!!

Andrew said...

That is very good news. Congratulations are in order. Nick, obviously keep me in the loop as to where they are registered and such. On a totally other note, is anyone going to be in Florida for easter? I am flying home this Friday afternoon. Mostly because on Saturday is Ali's "Baby Tea." She refuses to have a shower, so she is going with a tea.

Leighton said...

I didn't even know Ali was preggo. Congrats to her too! Geez, all these people are doing important shit and I'm just playing Rock Band...I'm a loser.

Andrew said...

Bryan, I am right there with you. I am basically pretty sure that you, me and Nick, are going to be the ones single the longest and just intent on making as much money as possible. I mean I have 5 rules that I live by.

Don't get married
Don't have kids
Don't fuck the interns, if you do, just do not stop until they are gone.
Stupidy is boundless in this city (DC)
Don't get into a business relationship where you share all profits, no matter who does the work.

Alex said...

Congrats to Ali and Gina!

It sure does make me feel old to find out that Gina is getting married and Chris is now 18.

Don't worry about it, Bryan. I am right there with you playing Rock Band. In fact, my biggest dilemma now is should I buy a Wii so I can play Smash Bros. more often. I guess I am a loser too.

By the way, why has Nick not made a bracket challenge or whatever? Is he avoiding his duty as fantasy sports league creator?

Leighton said...

That's right Drew..."I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one."

Adam said...

Well, I'm glad to hear that Danny finally threw down for a ring. I know too many people that have been dating for 5-10 years and the guy has no intention of getting a ring. It blows, if you ask me. Anyway congrats again.

Is Rock Band better than Guitar Hero or pretty much the same? Not that I have an Xbox or anything, but that could be just one more reason to look into purchasing one...

Leighton said...

Adam, an XBOX is a no brainer, regardless of Rock Band, but to answer your question, I do enjoy Rock Band more than Guitar Hero. It is fun to play drums while Alex plays guitar and sings over the mic. He was singing "Maps" the other day and had me laughing so hard I couldn't play drums.

Amanda said...

Only you guys could turn a post about an engagement into yet another video game discussion. Tell them both congratulations for me Nick, that's great news.

Nick D said...

1) Lets see no word on the wedding I wouls day over a year away for sure.
2) Yes she does
3) I will be up here for Easter
4) Hella good rules Drew and dont worry Leighton Me Joey and Drew basically live the college life style still.
5) Alex get the Wii, we just bought super smash brothers and it is awesome
6) I just created a pick'em join up BITCHES
7) I have heard very good things about rock band, better then guitar hero
8) Thanks everybody!!!

Leighton said...

Nick I think subconsciously I am avoiding a relationship so when the moment comes that I grow a pair, I will be able to move to NYC. Just sayin:)

Jae said...

so danny is changing his name to divincenzo? weird

Nick D said...

HAHAHA..When he asked my dad to marry Gina I believe that was one of the conditions. Either that or a hyphen

Leighton said...

Divincenzo-Anderson...try signing that name.