Monday, March 10, 2008

As some of you are aware

As some of you are aware, I have taken a job with a media consulting firm in Washington DC. Basically I am learning how to write, produce, invoice and create tv and radio ads for political campaigns. There will be more news on this in the future, but right now I am learning a lot. Below is a link for the first ad I got to work on, it is also linked to the title. These things take a very long time to produce, it is pretty ridiculous. Myself and one of the partners got into the editing studio at 5:30 pm and did not finish until around 1:30am. It is a crazy process but my life will be hell come October when I will be working all day and doing these spots every night. I will of course continue to send you all the spots I get to work on, after they air, so you can see them. For all of you haters of negative advertising, you will be happy to know I will be working on some positive stuff as well.


Nick D said...

Nicely done sir. Well sounds like you will be doing some interesting stuff which is good. Keep the ads coming, very entertaining.

PS People are going nuts about Spitzer up here, especially here at AIG. Lets see Spitzer is involved in a prostitution ring and AIG's stock is at a 9yr low. Greenberg has got to be loving this shit.

Adam said...

I like the phrase "dirty tricks." I'll hire you to make attack ads against rival dentists when i start practicing.