Thursday, August 17, 2006

A New Addition....

We got our first foster dog yesterday from the Rescue-A-Golden Society of Arizona. Her name is Ava and she is a very cute and energetic 10-month-old puppy. Luckily she is already housebroken, but she definitely does not like to be left alone. Jae and I tried a trial run by gating her in the kitchen and standing outside our apartment. Minutes later, we see something moving in our kitchen window, which is way above the countertop/sink area. Somehow she managed to jump up on the counters(about 4 ft up) and was attempting to get out the window. :) Well, that's all for now, hope you like the pics.

Ava just relaxing

Playin' with Jae

Gettin' Sleepy

Play Time

Lookin' Pretty for the Camera


Leighton said...

Very cute dog! And nicely done on the rescue.

Nick D said...

yes u guys are truly do u keep her temporarily or is it a permanent thing? if so you need to get a male dog and name it Nick Jr