Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Im Every Where Focker...MUST READ POST

Ladies and Gentlemen children of all ages drum roll please.....I have a job....I will be working in one of the many accounting departments in AIG. I will actually be contributing to society instead of just reaping all the rewards of it and I am actually signing my lease for my apartment on thursday where i will be living in a 3 bedroom place on 2nd and 44th street in manhattan. Well assuming no skeletons turn up in my closet when they do a minor back round check on me that is. And all this happened on the feast of the assumption which is a day of celebration for catholics (involves the virgin mary, you've probably seen it where they carry her statue around with dollar bills pinned on it)...i will be going to little italy tonight and having some fun by the way...dont worry this will only increase my party level now that i have money to spend...im going to be a cool accountant...let me know when your coming up im taking reservations after thanksgiving....catch ya on the flip side my friends...thanks for the love beal.....The Nick out


Jae said...

Let us in on what we're all wondering... what is the rent?

How bout an address so I can satellite image it up...

Nick D said...

first i chop off my arm then we give them $3000

Adam said...

Congrats! I just got everything all settled in Boston. One of these days when i get a second, I will take some pictures and post them. Either way, you should come visit before things get started. When does the job begin officially?? Well, congrats again.