Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy birthday to me

Since nobody else took the initiative, I figured I'd do it myself. You forget, don't deny it :P.


Leighton said...

NO dude!! I didn't forget...I just got home!! Happy b-day!!!

Nick D said...

yea im taking leightons excuse as well...HAPPY B-DAY dog

Alex said...

Happy Birthday! (I actually bad)

Eric said...

Happy Birthday Jae! Now doesn't that mean Alex's is coming up? 9th, 10th? Happy Birthday to you, too!

Jae said...

The 9th, 363 days older than me, but not a whole year!

Alex is turning the big 2-5, wow. If we were rounding you'd be 30! haha. You'll have to let us know if your insurance goes down like everyone says it does.

Alex said...

Yup, I am going to be one quarter of a century old. Now I can start to look forward to my senior citizen discount!

Logan said...

Happy bday man!! Just got home so its a little belated.