Friday, June 02, 2006

Tucson trip

Jenny and I are headed to Tucson this morning on a 6-day quest (sponsored by my future employer) to make living arrangements. We have been pre-approved for a home loan up to $200,000 and will be taking a look at some properties. It's still not clear to us if we should buy now or rent for a short bit to learn the area. We also have some rental homes lined up for visiting.

My parents and brother will be meeting us out there tonight through Wednesday to see the sights. They'll be coming back to Pasadena for my graduation (June 9th, pfew).

We're taking the camera so expect pics (and asking $) of a small bit of the real-estate market in Tucson.

Wish us luck,

1 comment:

Logan said...

Good Luck! I've been there before, its a nice city.