Monday, June 26, 2006

Coolest video yet

This is the closest thing to a cool video in Middlebury. (I am sure some of you have seen this, but I enjoy passing it along. Not too often do you get your own near death experience on tape.

Don't even try searching for anything Middlebury related on YouTube. All you get is three gay dudes lip-synching some song... It's pathetic.


Jae said...

I couldn't see the video, I guess I don't have the right codec. Anyone else?

Nick D said...

I could not see it either, i have seen it before though and would enjoy seeing it again so get it sorted out adam...i lasted all of 15 seconds through the speech as well...adam is Seminole at heart ur my boy blue

Adam said...

It is probably a divx codec... I am not sure why you wouldn't be able to watch it. I would suggest right clicking and save target as on the link. I have no trouble on my machine.