Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Battle of the apocalypse? No, a baseball game.

Christina and I went to the Devil Rays vs. Angels on 06/06/06 expecting the greatest battle of all time... well, maybe our expectations weren't that high. The game turned out to be an absolute blowout, but the good news was the Angels were on the winning side, considering all of the biblical references. The final score was 12-1, we stayed long enough to see it get to 11-1 through 8 innings. On a side note, I was surprised there were no reports of any idiots trying to pull some stunt yesterday.

PS - check out this video, it's hilarious.


Jae said...

Go Angels, good shall always prevail. That video is hilarious. The kitten is my new mascot.

Amanda said...

I didn't know whether to laugh my ass off or cry because it was so damn cute. Good find Eric.