Milford Sound- carved out by glaciers that are still moving today

Nick D looking good and standing on the glacier that did the work...flown up by helicopter
Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The wordrob (sp)....used extensively to film most of the outdoor scenes

The small hill just beyond the trees was used in Lord of the Rings i believe at the end of the first movie but i could be wrong when it was used

Well i have a shitload more pics but this is time consuming...NZ could be the most amazing area iv ever seen, since it was mostly glacier formed all these things are like straight up...it was a bit cold but that snow/ice stays year around....truly amazing
YAY! That's what I'm talking about! Great pics man...I'm SO jealous!
Where are all the sheep?? I thought they had a lot of wool and lamb from NZ???
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