Friday, June 30, 2006

Tucson Move

We are also officially moved. Tucson though, not Tampa. We left LA this morning at 2am and arrived in Tucson at 1pm. The normally 8 hour trip was extended due to a flat tire in Yuma, AZ (and my repeated Burger King cravings).

We have a long list of to-do items including the DMV (where we become official Tucsonians).

The sign-up sheet is open for visitors. We have a comfy 2nd bedroom w/ full bath. We will also be getting a DVR and full seasons of Scrubs are guaranteed or your money back.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Joy and of Moving

I have officially moved to Tampa, and the new place is the sweetness. I have had a cable modem and a dvr installed so time to fill some tivo. The drive is not so bad coming across the bridge if you find yourself in bradenton stop by the 75th street branch of Wachovia and see me. I hate pakistani furniture delivery people who don't speak the language and don't know the area they work in. Also the devil himself designed the little tube behind the dryer. I will get some pictures of the place eventually.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Spidey 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my god I can't wait...

Watch the trailer...

I'm so excited because it looks as though Venom will be in this one...he is one of my favorite villains of all time. There is still a fourth villain who has not been announced yet. Man, I hope it is Carnage! Still going to be great though!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Coolest video yet

This is the closest thing to a cool video in Middlebury. (I am sure some of you have seen this, but I enjoy passing it along. Not too often do you get your own near death experience on tape.

Don't even try searching for anything Middlebury related on YouTube. All you get is three gay dudes lip-synching some song... It's pathetic.

This vid instead...

For us FSU fans...

PS...don't know how to post a vid like Jae...sorry.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

I know you missed me

We're back from Connecticut. Had a blast doing nothing but drinking and the occasional gambling at the casino.

I have a lot of random pictures that I may weed through eventually (right now we're staring down the barrel of moving to Tucson in a few days).

We had some trouble getting back home. I'm going to tell you the moral of the story first, then elaborate. The moral of the story is, never fly Northwest Airlines. Of the 4 flights that we had on Northwest (1 stop bothways), 3 of the flights were delayed by an average of 1 hour. The only flight not to be delayed was our last connection home (from Detroit). So Jenny and I got to spend a night in Detroit (never thought that would happen). The airline did pay for our hotel ($38) and we got some food vouchers (2 x $13).

This adds Northwest Airlines to the list next to Delta (being that Delta sucks) as airlines that I will never use again.

Hope all is well, packers come tomorrow to pack all our stuff and movers come on Tuesday.


Friday, June 23, 2006

Nadia's last day of work (for now)

Ok guys, here's my first post! This was the last day of school. Those were my first grade kiddies. ( It's hard to get 20 7 year olds to look in the same direction at the same time!) The barely distinguishable teacher in red back there would be me. Next year they've got me teaching Kindergarden (eek!) so we'll see how that goes.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Seriously, how awesome are Italians?

I post this question in regards to the unselfish play of the Italian world cup team. Not only did Italy score on itself so that we could tie them, but they also beat the Czech Republic which, if we won, would have put us in the next round. They held open the door for us. Gotta love Italians.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

For Adam

A NZ traffic jam...we waited while they cleared the road....i had some great lamb there the sheep out number the people about 4 to 1 in NZ

some NZ pics

Milford Sound- carved out by glaciers that are still moving today

Nick D looking good and standing on the glacier that did the work...flown up by helicopter

Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The wordrob (sp)....used extensively to film most of the outdoor scenes

named "The Remarkables" used many many times mordorff i believe


The small hill just beyond the trees was used in Lord of the Rings i believe at the end of the first movie but i could be wrong when it was used

Well i have a shitload more pics but this is time consuming...NZ could be the most amazing area iv ever seen, since it was mostly glacier formed all these things are like straight was a bit cold but that snow/ice stays year around....truly amazing

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Sup ladies and mostly gents...there is shitload of posts and dont feel like reading them all but congrats on the place valamos...and jae USA looks like shit we may have tied italy but they scored on now basically we have to beat ghana and we still are not in for sure if italy wins as well we are in but there is a chance i believe if we win and the czech win but it comes down to goals and we have one to show and have 4 scored on us so we are negative 3 which is shit...either way NZ and AUS was fucking awesome did some awesome stuff bungy jumping and things i will attempt to load some pics up if i get motivated...hope everybody is doing well and if not...tough sure i will slowly talk to most of you losers on the phone...aight im jet lagged as shit iv been up since the Italy USA game that was at 5 in the morning on Sunday...yes i had the pleasure of having 2 sundays awesome stuff....night bitches...catch ya on the flip side

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The New Place

I finally have an internet connection! As requested, here is a video of the new apartment, almost fully furnished.

We still need to hang some art, get a washing machine, get a cover for that ugly-ass wingback chair, and possibly replace the desk that the computer is currently on top of. Let me know what you think!

San Diego Day-trip

MLS Game w/ the fam (done w/ Windows Movie Maker)

Funny video...

Monday, June 12, 2006

First USA Match

Well that totally didn't live up to what I was hoping for :). I did enjoy watching the good soccer on the other side of the ball, but we were way too flat-footed with no sense of urgency even after being down 2-0. Anyone else watch the game? Any comments? I didn't get to see Italy play since we were in San Diego, any thoughts on how they look?

p2p Program

Let me first say that I do not normally steal music and use iTunes for everything. HOWEVER, iTunes does not have some artists I am trying to get on my iPod i.e. Tool, Linkin Park. I used to have these, but have lost them over the years and want them back. I loaned out my Linkin Park CD to a friend at Smokey Bones, and he got killed in a car accident...that is why I don't like to loan things out. OK, getting off you guys know of a good p2p program that is reliable and easy? Unless, you guys can post music on here! I'm sure someone here has the CDs I'm looking for! Thanks.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The New Pad

Tucson Pics

Welcome to Arizona (this started at 128 but was down to 122 thx to AC before I could snap the pic, it is inside car temp)

Nick, you have been replaced

The following are some Sabino Canyon pics over our two visits there

Get used to these :)

We took a day-trip to Tombstone (yes, that Tombstone)

Damn injuns


Have I died and gone to heaven

The town is historically preserved, any attempts to "old-west up the place" were squashed by the historical preservation society:

Bank of America is EVERYWHERE

Home sweet home

Locals dress up for fun

It beacons

Left Tombstone and went down to Sierra Vista to visit my mom's friend from the Army, what a view:

Another shot of the mountains

Front porch view

The chair is as comfortable as it looks

That turtle is LOVIN' the watermelon

Nice sunset shot on the way back to Tucson

Drove up to Mt. Lemmon, they have some vista's on the way up, the following are some shots from a vista

The top ends in a ski-town (Ski-Valley), it is 30 degrees cooler at the top than in Tucson (~65)

They had the lift running so we took a ride to the top

Mom opted out :)

They had a bad fire 3 years ago that burned 76,000 acres (don't quote me on that)