Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bowl Mania

Well folks one of the greatest times of year is almost upon us and it is known as Bowl Season (well except for UF...ZING) so let's do our best guessing in the below contest. Nothing like watching random teams play in a random city and taking interest in it. Perhaps it is great because we know college football is nearly over and we need to soak it in the best we can. So join up and guess away and just know that a few of your friends on this blog will become national champions this year....So depending on who you pick (FSU/AU) we will know who you like better.

I naturally will be putting FSU at confidence level 35 (the highest) in winning their bowl game :)

College Bowl Mania

Group: California Bowling.....

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 28, 2013

One vs 4

Okay, it's time to piss or get off the pot.  The new generation consoles provide a plethora of xmas gift ideas.  As someone who is usually hard to buy for, I am getting pressured to make a decision.  So that means I get to pressure the usual suspects to make a decision.  Are we staying Xbox or jumping to the PS4?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

[L] Motorworks Brewing

Jen just tipped me onto Motorworks Brewery on 9th in B-Town.  It's not clear from their website if they are open yet or not.  Anyone been there or have any more info?

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Sammy's rumor has it your move to Florida is a for sure go now. Found a buyer for your house and you have secured a rental in Florida, care to verify this news? If so that is awesome and hopefully you will be in town for Thanksgiving.

Nick D 9-0.....

Friday, November 08, 2013

[L] Movember - My turn this year

Anyone else doing it?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Florida in November

Who is going to be around Bradenton Nov 2nd to the 5th?  I am coming into town for the weekend with the lady friend.  If people are around would love to see you folks.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Half way Point

So we are roughly at the half way point in the season and I figure we could do a quick recap of the season and of the big games we all have ahead.

UF: 1) Season has went how I thought it would, except for Miami
        2) Suffered some very serious injuries, although not sure the QB injury even hurt the team
        3) Still think UF is in store for 2-3 losses depending on how they play
        4) UF is really boring to watch on TV, except for Muschamps head about to explode on TV
        5) UF has the best defense in the country I think

Lastly I think UF picks up a nice win this weekend @ Missouri, they will be starting a true frosh QB whom I think UF is just going to eat up and UF gets the 2nd half of season off to a nice start 17-13.

AU: 1) The whole team looks much much improved
        2) I think Auburn scores a win over a good SEC team this year
        3) Not much else to say, except things are looking very good on the plains and this season still has a chance to be really good.

Lastly I think AU gives A&M and their non-existent defense a big run for their money this weekend. If this game was home I would predict the upset, but since it's not I think Johnny Football pulls it out.

FSU: 1) We have looked better than I thought we would this year
          2) Our QB Jameis Winston is a complete badass, best QB we have had since Weinke, a win this weekend and he will be firmly in the Heisman race and be all over TV in a very annoying fashion for people who do not like FSU.
          3) Defense is still a work in progress, but I like the direction

I think our game this weekend will be a great one, it is really hard to ever predict a win over the #3 ranked team on the road so I will not do it. That being said I really like our chances in this game and if we play well can definitely win. This would be a massive win for us and we would probably be #3 in the initial BCS standings. I can't even describe to you how EXITED I am for this team, season and game.

Best of luck to everybody this weekend

Nick D over and out (Rory is a punk)


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

For your enjoyment

I'm only about 50+ million views late to the party, but holy cow is this funny.

Monday, September 16, 2013

[L] Live feed of them pulling up the Costa Concordia

For those that missed it...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 3

Finally FSU plays football on a Saturday this year, unfortunately I will be in Texas and attending a wedding, but I should be able to watch the first half. Alex and this FSU fan are happy with last weeks result. I was not cheering for either team but a ranked Miami team helps FSU out. What really made me happy was how bad the game looked. If UF had any semblance of an offense in that game they would have won. Your D is very good but that offense is borderline awful. Sure the turnovers will not always happen and I think Driskell is better then he played, but there probably will not be much scoring in Gainesville this year. It's ok, you can still have a good team and good year without, just ask Les Miles. Nothing worse then a bye week after a loss either. 

FSU plays Nevada in our home opener, which would not normally be to exciting but I can't wait to see our QB play again. This game will probably not reveal much about our team but it should be fun fasr paced game. FSU wins 52-17.

Alex I am very intrigued by your upcoming game that I will not be able to watch. Winning against Miss St would be a good step in the right direction. Go get that SEC win!!!! Miss St is favored by 6, but I am believing in WDE 27-24.

We Johnny "pompous asshole" Manziel against Bama this wknd as well that should be interesting. I think it will be a good game with Bama edging out the W.

Nick "bad speller/Famous Jameis believer" D over and out....

PS this was done on a phone....

Thursday, September 05, 2013


Saw some pics on FB from the Bach. party in Chicago.  WTF, thanks for the invite bastards.  Looked like fun.

Week 2 battles

Well all of our teams got wins in week 1, which is all you can ask for. This week presents some interesting matchups for UF and Auburn. FSU does not play this week so we get to sit back and watch two of our biggest rivals play while we soak in the glorious performance of our new QB ( Mr. Winston). 

UF v Miami is one heck of a conundrum for FSU fans. Really I will not be rooting for anybody but just excited to watch the game. Probably would be better for FSU if Miami wins, but at the end of the day one of our rivals will suffer a loss which is good enough for me. Miami has an above average offense and just a average D. UF has a average offense and a probable great D. There won't be a huge home field advantage because Miami fans suck. Noon game helps UF I think. Final score 20-13 UF.

Auburn gets a possible testy matchup against the school there new head coach just left. Overall I thought AU looked better then last yr all around but QB play needs to improve drastically for AU to really turn the corner. Either way I think Alex will have an exiting team. AU wins 38-24.

Famous Jameis over and out. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Football week is finally here

Jenny got us started nicely, but now the games are so close we can envision ourselves joyfully (hopefully) watching. 

UF starts out with the Toledo Rockets a game which I am excited to watch. During this game I will be cheering for the underdog. Not that I ever need a reason to be happy with a rivals loss, but this time I have one as Jim D graduated from Toledo. I think it could be close for a half but ultimately UF pulls away and wins 30-13. *Note: I have them covering the spread. Rocket power!

Auburn starts off hosting Washington State. These two teams combined to win 6 games last year so it really can't get much worse for both teams. AU is favored by like 15 points so that must bode well for you Alex. I don't know much about either team right now but I have to figure AU has more talent. Best luck Alex. Any insights you care to offer?

FSU opens up on Monday night at Pitt. I do like the spotlight the Labor Day game has but it really sucks waiting until Monday might at 8PM to watch your team. FSU definitely has more talent than Pitt, but we are breaking in quite a few new coaches and players, add to the fact  a road game for our QBs first ever start and I am a little nervous. I think it will be close but we ultimately pull out a not so impressive win. Lets remember though that winning is really all that matters as evidenced by UF last yr. FSU 23-13

We have some good possible games this week starting on Thursday, so lets enjoy the year. May it be filled with wins and trash talking.

Nick D over and out.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

To kick off the college football banter...

To kick off the college football banter

Go SEC, and more importantly, Go Gators!

Looking forward to watching some Gator games in FL this season :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Fantasy Football

A couple of people have already signed up, but let me know if you are interested or just sign up, info is below. At best it will be a $20 buy in, but more than likely it will just be pride and the prospect of losing to Nick.

Yahoo Fantasy Football
ID: 501407
Name: Pride and Glory 13

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Please like and re-post

We have just listed our house for sale with Jon Lurie and Shelly Bock at Tierra Antigua Realty.  You never know, a friend of a friend may just be the buyer of our house (it’s a small world), so please forward this to everyone you know.  The house is 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths with a 2-car garage and a bunch of really nice upgrades.  Please take a look at our custom website at or text 484351 to 79564 for more info.  We have it priced to sell quickly, so if you’re interested (or know anyone who might be), call Jon Lurie at Tierra Antigua at (520) 245-8077 or Shelly Bock at (520) 404-9040.

Thanks so much for your help!

Friday, August 09, 2013

Uncle Nick and Aunt Irene

Danny and Gina had their baby today, Nolan James Anderson. No pics yet he was in the nursery getting some breathing treatment. Time to dominate this uncle shit. *Archer voice: woohoo*

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Almost Famous

There was a crowd around this guy at LAX so Jen figured he was famous.  We have no idea who he is :).  Any help?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Yes I have always hated this guy and thought he was a piece of shit for many reasons, but never thought he was this type of dude. I really can't believe that he is being charged with murder and 5 other counts of gun related charges. Dude is 23yrs old, just signed a $40M contract and was regarded as one of the top players in the NFL. Now it appears he either shot or planned an execution of one of his friends over some beef from a club???? What?!?!?! Obviously we shall see what happens in the case before fully judging him, but man this looks very bad. Nobody has hardly mentioned the other two guys that were with him so we shall see what plays out.

Hernandez = Urbans boy and Gator for life :)

Nick D over and out......

Friday, June 21, 2013

Poor Man's Roomba

[L] Tesla Unveils Batteryswap Tech

I've been saying forever that electric cars won't become mainstream until you can fill them up as fast as a gas tank.

Well now Tesla has done it.  From empty to full in 90 seconds.

What do you guys think.  Change anyone's opinion on going electric?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

[L] Xbox One Reverses Course

Microsoft has done a 180 on the always connected and used game policy.

What do you guys say?  Is this enough to stick w/ the Xbox One or is it PS4 time?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Is this cause for alarm?

Sarasota Jungle Gardens ftw

Friday, May 31, 2013

Nick, can't believe you didn't think of this...

...or maybe you did and Irene vetoed it

Monday, May 27, 2013

Website question

This question is for Jae/Eric or anybody who might know. We are trying to refine some of our estimates for our business plan. Just wanted to ask you guys what you think would be a reasonable cost estimate for website design and occasional maintenance (excluding the domain name fee). The website would be sort of your typical retail site but would not need any online ordering capabilities. We would definitely want an active blog/contact system though. Thanks for your help.

Nick to the D

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[L] Interesting Infographic on Proposed Budgets

This is an interesting infographic on the proposed budgets of some different groups from the right to left.

I find the debt projection particularly interesting (and scary).

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Proud UF alumni and an embarrassment to America

It really pains me that this guy is going to be our biggest male swimming star next Olympics as I am not sure I can cheer for him after watching 30 seconds of this. There is absolutely no way I will be watching this show as it will probably cause me to hate him and myself. After hearing interviews of him last year I was pretty confident in the fact he was borderline mentally retarded and a big douche, but this video pretty much clears it up and confirms it. Do the Gators on here like to claim him as a alumni or is it one of those cases where you just hope it does not get brought up? (Both of our school shave plenty of those people). Pretty sure this guy single handly devalues a degree from UF a couple of notches and I find some sick joy that he is a UF grad.

(View at your own risk)  Jeah.....

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tournament Time

Alright everybody I have created a group on ESPN that we can all put our brackets in for free. The group name is below and it has no password so go ahead and pass it around and get people in it. May the odds forever be in your favor.

Everybodys Guessing

PS In an attempt to revitalize some blog activity and because he is my ultimate frenemy I am issuing a challenge to Rory. Whomever has the highest scoring bracket (2 allowed) will get to do something to the other person, which we will video record and post on the blog. My leading suggestions are:

1) Punch in the balls
2) Open faced slap on back or chest
3) Other suggestions are welcomed

If you accept please let it be known on this forum....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blog Question

Does anybody know if there is an App for this blog? I think if there was it would really help me and probably others to remember to keep up to date with it.

Monday, February 25, 2013

New House

Brandy and I finally found a new house! Should be moving in late March/ early April. Be ready for a house warming party! Pictures here On another note, I'm probably going to rent my current house so if any knows of someone looking for a place, let me know!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Music Video?

Offered without comment.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Uncle Nick

Well folks I am pleased to finally be able to announce that Gina and Danny will be having a baby this year. It has been challenging not slipping up and saying something since we have known for a while, but you know how it goes. Anyways here is to hoping the next 6-7 months go smoothly and we have a healthy addition to our family. I already told Danny it might be weird when he says yea Nick is watching Nick, but told him he would get used to it :)

Jae it was funny because your mom asked as she was leaving the Xmas Eve Party if she leaves now will she miss any news we might be breaking. Surely she was thinking of Irene and I, but I was like this woman has like a 6th sense or something because we literally found out the day before haha...We all got a good kick out of that.

I have to say this because I don't want to incur any "wrath of Gina", but if you feel the impulse to post a congrats on facebook please wait until you noticed my sister posted something about it. Just don't want to trump her.

Baby Anderson > Rory....via having a blood line to Nick.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Great song, really funny

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop - feat. Wanz

This song quickly jumped to #1 on Spotify's top US tracks, so I gave it a listen.  Didn't know what it was b/c I listen to alternative radio.  Check it out, it's really damn funny.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

just ran a mile in 7:48

that turns out to be about 7.7 miles per hour, which according to this link means i couldn't even outrun a mouse...  sad

on the plus this is only 18 seconds off my fastest mile time when i was 18