Monday, May 27, 2013

Website question

This question is for Jae/Eric or anybody who might know. We are trying to refine some of our estimates for our business plan. Just wanted to ask you guys what you think would be a reasonable cost estimate for website design and occasional maintenance (excluding the domain name fee). The website would be sort of your typical retail site but would not need any online ordering capabilities. We would definitely want an active blog/contact system though. Thanks for your help.

Nick to the D


Alex said...

Mousseau made the web page for Ashley's business. He did a nice job! But she didn't need retail or blog options.

Jae said...

I have lost the bubble big-time on how to have a decent web presence.

My guess is now you would want a regular page and a mobile page at a minimum. After that probably a Facebook page? Maybe Facebook first?

Look on for projects that sound similar to what you're looking to do. Should give you an idea of the range in cost.

Eric said...

This is a difficult question to answer as there are a lot of variables that would affect the cost. Do you need graphic/branding/identity design? Social media integration?

Smaller companies and designers will typically be less expensive because of less overhead, but a larger firm may be able to pool talents of several people and produce results faster.

I agree with Jae's advice on getting your social media presence established, possibly even first. You can quickly and easily create facebook and twitter pages for your business and start getting the word out on the products and services you provide.

Nick D said...

Jae, good point regarding the mobile page definitely something to consider, which we really did not.

Eric we are working with somebody on branding/logo design as we speak and they will also be providing us with a
"facebook template". So really we will just be talking about building the site and obviously effectively integrating our branding into it.

We will probably ask the people doing our branding their opinion, but wanted another estimate as well. The below website is a link to what would be our direct competitor and a pretty typical boutique website.