Everybodys Guessing
PS In an attempt to revitalize some blog activity and because he is my ultimate frenemy I am issuing a challenge to Rory. Whomever has the highest scoring bracket (2 allowed) will get to do something to the other person, which we will video record and post on the blog. My leading suggestions are:
1) Punch in the balls
2) Open faced slap on back or chest
3) Other suggestions are welcomed
If you accept please let it be known on this forum....
I'm in!
Irene, you are brutal!
Game on. What shall we agree to?
Irene knows nothing of this and upon learning will probably roll her eyes and call me stupid.
May I suggest slapping the loser's bare abdomen as hard as possible? This way there will be no harm to the face or ruptured testicles.
I would also like to volunteer my wife's stun gun if needed.
There goes Alex, always trying to get our shirts off.
Stun gun would be quite interesting ;)
Stun gun eh? Well that is interesting and a bit intense. Let me contemplate that one othewise I like Alex's suggestion.
I'm in for a bracket or two...and you will def need to post a video since some of us won't be there to see the action in person. May the best person or Rory win.
Rory what is your final decision? I will put my bare chest or wherever the safiest place is to stun somebody in your hands.
Jae your bracket is killing it right now. You are ranked like 4,500 out of something like 6M or something like that.
Finally, the respect I have always deserved.
my bracket may be in trouble, miami's center is out.
well the best team won that one, can someone please inform murphy that basketball is played on your feet not on your back.
my bracket is blown to smithereens.
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