Friday, June 21, 2013

[L] Tesla Unveils Batteryswap Tech

I've been saying forever that electric cars won't become mainstream until you can fill them up as fast as a gas tank.

Well now Tesla has done it.  From empty to full in 90 seconds.

What do you guys think.  Change anyone's opinion on going electric?


Adam said...

It is definitely a smart idea but it doesn't change the fact that you can only go 100 miles before you need to recharge. I guess with this you could have 5 extra batteries in your car to take a road trip. With our new found wealth of natural gas reserves in this country, I want to see a natural gas powered car!

Jae said...

Not sure where 100 miles is coming from. The "base" level Model S has a 200 mile range.

I also don't get your "extra batteries in your car" statement. The swapped out batteries stay at the station (presumably being replaced over time as the capacity wanes).

I know Honda has made CNG Civics before. Not sure if they are still around.

Alex said...

I thought the video at the gas pump was miss leading considering the guy wasn't in a rush and had to pay. I agree that the range of an electric car is the biggest drawback.

I like that a company is trying to push for making electric cars successful, but they will have to produce an affordable model.

Nick D said...

Agree with Alex.

Leighton said...

The cost is still not even close to justified, regardless of how fast they charge. Way too impractical.

Jae said...

I'd say the comparison between the gas fill-up was mostly showmanship.

But showing a 3 minute pitstop versus a 30-minute fast charge versus an 8-hour slow charge wouldn't make for as good of a presentation :).

$100 is pretty steep. I assume early-adopters are helping to pay for the high upfront cost of these swap stations. Someone who drops $60k - $80k on a car probably doesn't bat an eye at a $100 fill-up. Once the promised "affordable" Tesla vehicle comes out, the fill-up cost would have to come down.

Jae said...

If anyone has been following the state legislators blocking Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales model to protect car dealerships and think it's stupid, here's a petition to bring this to the federal level: