Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me


Eric said...

Happy belated 30th, Jae! I hope you had a good day aside from being snubbed on the blog. Get on facebook!

Leighton said...

Happy belated buddy! Hope all is well and it looks like you had a nice trip to NYC!

Jae said...

thanks guys, had a nice low-key weekday birthday. jen and i went out last weekend for dinner and a movie (batman), which was awesome.

leighton, you moved yet?

Adam said...

Hey man, Happy Birthday! I love that meme. I would say to get on facebook but I am not there either. You should have made a birthday post on Untappd! Anyway, welcome to your fourth generation. I hope your hair isn't falling out as fast as mine.

Jae said...

no hair loss here. it is pretty sad, though, that i worked out on monday and am still sore on friday. i might have to seriously consider this "stretching" thing i've been hearing so much about. age sucks.