Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thoughts on Ryan

What does this largely right-wing audience think of putting Ryan on the ticket?

For me it has taken me off the fence since Ryan seems to be the only cat in town willing to tackle the debt issue head on.

I'm sure Drew will have an interesting take on the matter.


Adam said...

He's been willing to tackle the debt for sure but he also has been in Congress a long time. With that comes a long history of voting. He has towed the party line on many issues that are unpopular like the bailouts. But I agree he at least has the guts to admit that those things didn't work and start pushing for more austerity.

Nick D said...

Well since I hate Obama with a passion Romney could have picked just about anybody and I would have been OK with it. This pick makes me even happier while I still think he needs to explain some of his budget polices more at least he has a damn plan. Also, he seems to have some knowledge on how to accomplish something closed to a balanced budget. He is not tea party affilated which makes me happy, well at least I don't think he is. The last reason why I really like this pick is because he does not spout off about social issues because I care far less about those.

I am just relieved Romney did not pick somebody that seems to on the face to be picked to satisfy a certain demographic, seems like a reasonably smart pick.

Leighton said...

I personally like the guy with what I've seen so far. Like you guys said, he is one of the few with an actual PLAN. He is young, seems highly intelligent, and speaks well. I think he will crush Biden in a debate (but lets be honest, anybody should be able to beat Biden in a debate). The only negative, which Adam mentioned, is his record in Congress, which the Dems will attack big time...continuing to blame Bush.

And I'm with Nick...fuck social issues right now. I don't know HOW it happens EVERY ELECTION, but it always comes back to gay marriage and abortion...and it drives me insane.

My personal philosophy...MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Be conservative on the economy and social programs, but stay out of my personal life. I don't give a shit if gays get married, and abortion DOES have its place unfortunately. Just take care of the damn country for once!

/end rant

Amanda said...

Fiscal conservative + social liberal = Amanda. Just stay out of my life decisions, and don't make me financially responsible for anyone I'm not related to. It blows my mind that more people don't feel the same way.

Amanda said...

P.S. I could beat Biden in a debate.