Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Anyone playing Minecraft?

Due to a lack of new stuff on X360 and COD burnout, I've recently started playing Minecraft and I'm curious if any of you guys are playing it as well.   I avoided it for a long time because I didn't understand the appeal. Random web browsing directed me to the "X's Adventures in Minecraft" youtube series and after a few videos I was pretty interested.  Now that I'm pretty addicted and beating single-player to death I'm thinking about multi-player.  Let me know in the comments.


Jae said...

My experience with Minecraft has just been watching seananner's youtube videos on it. I'm afraid to get into it and have it eat up a bunch of my time.

Are you playing it on xbox or pc?

Leighton said...

Alex and I are kicking it old school right now with some Diablo action. Diablo III is pretty badass.

Eric said...

I'm playing it on pc. For me, it doesn't eat up any more time than typical 360 stuff. Like an hour or two every few days.

Jae said...

well then i say you stop playing that and play cod for 8 hours on sundays :). i play diablo 2 once a week with some co-workers. not sure if diablo 3 will run under wine.

Alex said...

Diablo 3 is where it's at