Thursday, July 26, 2012

Google Fiber

Jared turned me on to this today.  Google is offering a pretty amazing service to people in KS.  Check out their pricing.  Ridiculously cheap for what you're getting.  I hope this is successful and gets rolled out to more cities.


Eric said...

Yeah, gigabit to your house is insane. This has been in the works for quite a long time; it's nice to see that they're finally rolling it out in their test city. Aside from ludicrous speed, I like the simultaneous recording of 8 shows, that's pretty impressive. On a side note, it's actually in Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO, so not just KS, technically!

Eric said...

I was just looking at the channel lineup, no ESPN or Disney... ouch!

Jae said...

for some reason i was thinking "Kansas City" and typed KS...

we have been without ESPN and Disney for years and haven't really missed them.

Nick D said...

Not sure I could live without ESPN