Sunday, September 04, 2011

Tigers and House


Adam said...

Wow, you weren't kidding about the tiger! That is really cool!

Nick D said...

What is the deal with the Tiger did the house come with one?

Jenny said...

Sweet. I saw there was a place in Dade City where you could swim with them - is that where you went?

Leighton said...

I want a tiger!

Nick D said...

I would prefer a Cheetah

Josh said...

Tigers are awesome and we got to play with one and swim with it for an hour. They just like giant house cats before they get their adult killing teeth. They do have massive paws though. They have shorter encounters at the place, but I wanted to check this item off my bucket list. I wish the house came with a tiger, but we did get a stray orange tabby and 3 other kittens with our purchase. If anyone is interested the place is in Dade City and they take reservation.

Andrew said...

Wait, you live in Dade City? What is the address? I spent 3 months in that area with the last congressional race I ran. Joy and her husband Dudley live in Dade City, they are the best. Dudley still owes me a trip frog gigging and cow tipping.

Josh said...

House is in Tampa within the Seminole Heights neighborhood. Tigers are 34 miles north in Dade City.

Andrew said...

Ah, that makes sense. No one wants to live in Pasco County.