Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FSU/OU Sleepover!

Okay not really a sleepover (unless you want to), but I am thinking of having a game watch party on Saturday night. Figure it'll be madness to try and go to a bar but I would definitely prefer to watch it with a group. Anyone free & interested? Nobody's seen my place yet... understood that it's a bit of a trek up to Clearwater, BUT we just got a new couch! Let me know your thoughts.


Nick D said...

Well I will be at the game otherwise it definitely sounds fun. More to come on this game later from me as FSU and UF finally play a real opponent.

Leighton said...

At the game as well! Woohoo! Can't wait!

Logan said...

Should be a great game. I'll be at the UF-UT game. Have fun!

Amanda said...

Yep... shortly after I posted this I realized that everyone is probably going to their respective games, or lives thousands of miles away and/or has a newborn. Some other time!