1. Happy Anniversary (yesterday) Eric & Christina! Three years of just livin' the life :)
2. Happy (two month) B-Day Avery! Time is flying...
3. I won an award at work a few months ago and got a free round-trip ticket for Southwest. I booked my flight today to Denver - so excited as I've never been west of the Mississippi (except Iowa). If anyone's been and has tips I'm all ears!
4. I'm very unhappy about Cougartown not being on the fall TV schedule. When the heck is it coming back?
5. Also regarding television, I'm pumped about James Spader joining the cast of The Office. He's the new CEO (aka replacing Kathy Bates), but no word on who the new manager will be. I did read that no one else was hired on this season though...
Happy Hump Day kids - have a great day!
Nice random thought post, well done. Well I heard people in Colorado are all short and look like cartoon characters. Also, I heard they don't use American money that could be a rumor.
Well I do like Spader, but I am skeptical about The Office with out Carrel. Jim and Dwight can probably keep it pretty funny, but maybe only a season.
I've been to Colorado twice (but only once to Denver). There is a lot to do outdoors. If you can find a hot spring, I highly recommend that. Also, if you have a car, Boulder is a short drive and a fun half-day trip. I remember getting some good food in their "downtown" area too but can't remember any specific restaurants.
Hope you have a great time!
P.S.-You should have booked a ticket to Tucson! We would have taken you to the Grand Canyon!
nice random post amanda, keep em coming. congrats on the award. what was it for? being most-awesome? i thought so.
Nice choice to go to Denver, but I have to back up Jenny. Tucson is pretty sweet!
Let's see....what could be fun to do in Denver....what should Alex say about it....oh yeah! There are a lot of good breweries in Colorado...there we go. I feel better now.
Haha was that Irene post from Nick?
Thanks for the input (and way ahead of you Alex!). We chose Denver because the trip is for Matt's bday and his brother lives there... definitely want to come visit the J's soon though! Maybe I'll win again next year :)
Jae, The award was for outstanding customer care. So you're basically right.
When are you going to Denver?
October 5th-10th... I'm assuming not too cold yet but then again I get cold when it's 72 degrees.
You'll be cold! Lets see....
Horseback riding
Mountain biking(you can rent bikes, then take them up on the ski lift and ride down hill)
If you go into the mountains, there are tons of old mining towns to check out. You'll be too early for any skiing. Most of the hot springs are up in the mountains. There might be some white water rafting around.
Logan's list sounds awesome.
Yeah it does! Hiking is definitely on the to-do list already, hope we can squeeze in most of that other stuff!
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