Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I figured Alex would like these in the spirit of the UF- Bama game.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Rory

And thank you Florida GNN Birthday reminder :).

Hope you have a happy birthday man.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gears 3

For those of you who are cool and play video games you should be aware that Gears 3 is out. I found out that Newegg is running a promotion where you get a $20 gift card with purchase [L]. If you ever buy anything through Newegg this is a hard deal to beat.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Netflix site/business split

If you haven't already heard, Netflix is dividing its company into two different sites, Netflix and Qwikster. Netflix will now be a streaming only service with Qwikster handling the DVD by mail. Current customers of both services will have an account created at Qwikster and will be billed separately at the current rates. Qwikster will also add video games to the library. Extreme downsides include separate sites, separate queues, separate ratings and separate bills. This just screams "Let's disassociate ourselves with the DVD business that's taking a nosedive." With this new information, which side are you choosing? Anyone staying with both services? As it stands right now, I'd be a customer of both services, but I'm going to have to reassess how much I use each service.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Italy Trip

Those of you that have been.... If you could go for a week, would you spend the week in Rome or half a week in Milan and half a week in Florence?

Wknd Predictions

Well since we finally all have a decent game (AU had one last weekend) let's have some fun and make a couple of predictions. There is finally a full Saturday of decent games to watch!

UT @ UF - Gators take this one by a close margin, if it were on the road I would go with UT, but since it is in the swamp. Gators win. 21-17

Auburn @ Clemson - Seems pretty clear to me that Auburn has a productive offense and unproductive defense. While Clemsons D has looked bad and their offense unspectacular. If this were at home I think Auburn takes it to them by a good margin, but since it is a road game Auburn wins by a closer margin. 34-24

OU @ FSU - With what happened last year many people think it will be a repeat performance. However, that was only the second game under a new defense coach and we got smoked by a good team. This year I expect our defense to fair much, much better. Offensively it is hard for me to tell. If we play like we did the first two games I will not be happy then again we played the most basic offensive sets you could possibly play. Personally I think this game will be decided by 7 pts or less. With FSU and the home crowd and NICK D in attendance I am predicting a FSU win 27-24!!!!!!!

Yea I am drinking the kool-aide, but can you blame me. By the way we are setting up our tailgate at 7AM going to be cooking all three meals out there. I have Bloody Marys ready to roll with a couple of mandatory water chug/alcohol breaks scheduled for the afternoon.

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FSU/OU Sleepover!

Okay not really a sleepover (unless you want to), but I am thinking of having a game watch party on Saturday night. Figure it'll be madness to try and go to a bar but I would definitely prefer to watch it with a group. Anyone free & interested? Nobody's seen my place yet... understood that it's a bit of a trek up to Clearwater, BUT we just got a new couch! Let me know your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Random Thoughts

I'm feeling super lethargic and gross after a gluttonous weekend and am not particularly motivated to finish my work, so here are a few things I thought I'd share while killing time:

1. Happy Anniversary (yesterday) Eric & Christina! Three years of just livin' the life :)

2. Happy (two month) B-Day Avery! Time is flying...

3. I won an award at work a few months ago and got a free round-trip ticket for Southwest. I booked my flight today to Denver - so excited as I've never been west of the Mississippi (except Iowa). If anyone's been and has tips I'm all ears!

4. I'm very unhappy about Cougartown not being on the fall TV schedule. When the heck is it coming back?

5. Also regarding television, I'm pumped about James Spader joining the cast of The Office. He's the new CEO (aka replacing Kathy Bates), but no word on who the new manager will be. I did read that no one else was hired on this season though...

Happy Hump Day kids - have a great day!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Another one bites the dust

Happy Bday Logan hope you enjoyed your 20's.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Friday, September 02, 2011

Opening Weekend

Hope everybody enjoys opening weekend to College Football season. While most of the games will not be very close or entertaining at least you can watch for a half or so. Would say good luck to all of our teams, but to be honest they probably do not need it. I will be in Tallahassee for opening weekend basking in tailgate glory. Let's hope our teams get off to a injury free successful bashing building our confidence for tougher games in the coming weeks.

PS Rory and Alex enjoy the beer.

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nick to the D