PS Football starts in one week let the trash talking begin. We can probably find plenty of trash in Charlie Weiss's garbage can as he consumes as much food in a day as a family of 5 eats in a week.....
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Nick the job man
Well folks I am on the move again and have accepted another job, but this time I will at least be in the same city. Reason I was looking for a job was because the company I was working for is not financially healthy. I knew it was a risk when I accepted a job at a start-up, but it was a great learning opportunity for me. My new position is with Raymond James and I will be doing some accounting for them. I am very excited for this for multiple reasons, but mainly being I will be finally moving out of the insurance industry which is something I have been wanting to do for a while. Obviously they are secure and respected company and it should provide me with a wealth of opportunity going forward. I will be starting my new job in two weeks so prepare to be work neighbors soon Amanda!
PS Football starts in one week let the trash talking begin. We can probably find plenty of trash in Charlie Weiss's garbage can as he consumes as much food in a day as a family of 5 eats in a week.....
PS Football starts in one week let the trash talking begin. We can probably find plenty of trash in Charlie Weiss's garbage can as he consumes as much food in a day as a family of 5 eats in a week.....
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Congrats on the new job! I'll leave the trash talking to Jae...but I am looking forward to filling my Saturdays with college football!
Congrats on the job!
Also looking forward to football season returning.
Congrats! Hopefully we will be co-workers soon, as I too am gunning for Raymond James.
That's awesome Nick, congratulations! We'll have to hit up happy hour at the Hilton sometime.
congrats nick, does this mean your sundays will now be free for some cod?
Thanks everybody. Not one response back from my Charlie Weiss dig, but yes this should help with some COD time as well.
Amanda you are going to have to sell me a little to hit up happy hour at a hotel.... :)
Congratulations Nick. Hopefully you won't run this business into the ground as well! Haha.
I am stoke for football season. Especially since Alex and I will be starting it off on Saturday by cracking open a Hunaphu (the last one left on the planet). I know you're jealous...I'm talking to you Leighton. You Noles can crack all you want on Weis, but as long as that mofo runs an offense like he did in the NFL that tubby son of a bitch can eat as many Krispy Kreme donuts that he desires! I just hope its the NFL Weis we see and not the Notre Dame version.
Go Gators!
Rory has a point...there is a very high correlation between Nick's employment and failing businesses. Hmmmm....
Rory if I'm there when you guys crack that Hunaphu...I'm going to knock yours on the ground.
from the sound of it rory might drink it off the floor.
Bryan, I would gladly drink Hunaphu off the ground. Are you kidding me? That's nothing! Word on the street is that Alex would drink it off a penis.
Whoa whoa whoa...who's penis?
Correlation does not equal causation regarding me and jobs.
He would probably drink it off of Cam Newtons penis.
Brantly is probably the next Brady Quinn...if your lucky.
PS While drinking a Hunapauh (sp) does sound nice being at a live sporting event like me and Leighton will be sounds awesome.
Negative on the Cam Newton comment.
Live sporting events are typically better, but, since Auburn plays at noon, I am going to be glad I am not in the blazing sun on Saturday.
Can't say I blame you on that one Alex 3:30 will still be pretty bad for the start of the FSU game.
Luckily by 3:30, my seats are in the shade.
Ahh, college football season. The blog is back in full form!
Nick, don't be a snob! You'll see what I mean when you start working in the Carillon area.
And I'm extremely excited to see what we do this year. Hoping to make it up for a game at some point but lodging will probably be an issue.
Haha well you just let me know Amanda and I will be down
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