Sunday, July 31, 2011

[L] Could've seen this coming...

Just another reason I so desperately want to reach kids BEFORE they turn into zombies.


Adam said...

I guess maybe everyone should take a ton of aspirin before sitting down in front of the xbox. Nintendo should use this as marketing. I bet no one has died from an embolism while playing the wii for 8 hours.

Nick D said...

Wow this is pretty incredible. See I knew I always had a reason to avoid playing COD with everybody :)

Jae said...

nick, when rory said he was going to kill you on cod maybe this is what he had in mind? this story is sad and i'm sorry for his parents but give me a break, blaming the video games for his death is putting on blinders.

Alex said...

Agree with Jae on this one.

I guess I shouldn't go on long flights or road trips.

This sounds a lot like parents just trying to find something or somebody to blame.

Nick D said...

Very true J because he certainly can't get the better of me in the gaming world.

Leighton said...

I prefer to thin my blood with alcohol, so it isn't XBOX's fault he was only 20 and not 21.