Wednesday, July 20, 2011

August Recess

I will be back in Bradenton for a few days in August, specifically the 16th through the 21st. Mandy will also be around, she is leaving on Saturday to go to New Orleans (it is Harper's first day of pre-k). But if any one is around and wants to hang out, let me know.


Nick D said...

Just hit me up when you are in town definitely will drive down.

Alex said...

I'm up for whatever.

Andrew said...

Obviously this is all predicated on the ability for Congress to get off their high horses and pass a debt ceiling increase. Personally, we need to increase it with immediate cuts and significant future cuts (multi trillions of dollars), the closing of tax loopholes, a decrease in the corporate tax, and elimination of the A.M.T. And yes I am continuing to use the "oxford comma," despite what Oxford says.

Nick D said...

I completely agree Drew. Also, while I might agree with some of the new Republican "Tea Party" assholes I can't agree with their logic right now. We need to get something in place to avoid default. Also, Drew it might just be me, but I always put my faith in the Senate to produce something of quality over the House. Thoughts on that?

I hate the AMT with a passion it is a completely flawed and broken system that we just keep inflating the # on a yearly basis delaying the inevitable tax overhaul we need!!

Andrew said...

I personally hate the Senate, they are slow and get nothing accomplished. They have not passed a budget in like 820+ days which is ridiculous.

News has the Speaker and President coming together with a really good idea, cuts of $3 trillion with promises of tax reform but no substantive increases in taxes. If this is true, it needs to happen.

Jae said...

i bet the dems were really happy to be left out of that one (although i think that is the best way to do it).