Friday, July 29, 2011

Blog > Google+

Now that Adam and Jae are all over Google+ and have previously boycotted most social media outlets I hope the blog does not get neglected. Personally I still love being able to say things on here that only this group would appreciate. Long live the blog.

Nick to the D



Eric said...

I agree, although it's funny you said "able to say things on here that only this group would appreciate" since google+ is built on that exact premise. If you created a circle of the blog members and posted to that circle, you're essentially doing the same thing as writing a blog post.
Nonetheless, the blog makes it easier to review older topics and and new posts don't get lost in the endless stream of updates from everyone else you're following.

Nick D said...

Oh so I guess I missed out that you can just create circle after circle. Can you have different pictures as your profile for different circles? Sorry to keep asking you eric, but you seem to have answers.

Eric said...

My quick google search says the answer is no, but that seems to be a commonly requested feature. Google+ is still in beta, so you may see new features, including this one, in the near future.