Wednesday, February 03, 2010

[L] It's always sunny in Alachua county

Commence whining...


Alex said...

No whining here! Auburn signed an excellent class this year! Plus, AU has done pretty well with out "top" talent, so I am very excited to see how these new signees develop in a couple years.

Anyways, UF always pulls good talent considering FL has a ridiculous amount of quality football players, so I am obviously not surprised.

By the way, this year's recruiting classes are nothing new to Nick and I, since we have discussed that our obsession with 18 year old high school football players is rather unhealthy.

Leighton said...

Man, great classes by the big 3 here: UF, AU, and FSU. May the best coaching staff

And Alex, nice steal on Lemonier...he was supposed to be an FSU lock. Impressive class for Chizik's first year.

Andrew said...

These rankings are really odd. ESPN has UF #1 and USC #10. has USC#1. Odd to say the least. I am sure Colgate signed some great 2star recruits from upstate New York, I am thinking we are headed back to the D1-AA playoffs.

Nick D said...

Good classes by all of our schools I am very pleased. These rankings and stars are very subjective as seen with USC being #1 in one poll and #10 in the other. However, I am looking forward to spring practice and the start to a NEW FSU program. I am more suprised with FSU and AU to be honest. For UF this is not suprising I mean heck you all have won two championships in 4 yrs. Lets just hope Urban knows what he is doing with his health.