Sunday, February 07, 2010

[L] "Beer Enthusiasts"

At least you weren't in the printed paper, Rory. Your buddy Eric T. is featured in the fourth picture.


Nick D said...

That is awesome...way to go public defender!!!!

Adam said...

You guys are celebrities! What beer were you drinking? It looked tasty.

Andrew said...

Looks like the weather at the Bradenton Brewfest was much nicer than the weather at the Central New York Brewfest, rocked out a high of 19. Some great beers were had though, classics like Cooperstown Breweries Pride of Milford or Ommegang's Three Philosophers. Some new good ones like Great Lakes Brewing Companies Burning River Pale Ale. Also had a tasting of Joose.

Logan said...

That was probably the Magic Hat #9. That was one of the best beers there!

Andrew said...

Seriously Magic Hat #9 was the best beer? That is not much fun. Although large quantities of beer is fun regardless.

Eric said...

Logan may have liked the Magic Hat, but I must say I was most impressed with Victory Brewing, Starr Hill, and the Tampa Bay Brewing Company.

Eric said...

I almost forgot, Southern Tier Brewing's "Unearthly IPA" was also really great, probably my favorite of the bunch.

Logan said...

I just forgot all the other names

Andrew said...

Southern Tier? Love that stuff, we used to drink it in College all the time. Somewhat surprised they made it all the way down to Tampa Bay.

Adam said...

Magic Hat #9 is awesome stuff! An excellent product from the state of Vermont. Victory is one of my new favorites too. Their Golden Monkey is really tasty.

Andrew said...

Everyone should also try Woalver's Organic IPA. Very good if you like IPA. We had it at Adam's grad party at Middlebury and I hated it, now I think it is pretty damn good.