Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Your tax dollars at work.



Alex said...

Not surprising to me. The Democrats have always been all about spending money.

About half of America needs to realize what they voted for.

Andrew said...

They are starting to realize that Alex. Many of the rural conservative democrats who voted for Obama are fed up with him. So unless things change, I think the 2010 election will be better for the GOP.

Alex said...

Well, I would rather see something new. The GOP is set in its ways as much as the Democrats.

In my opinion, we need a new conservative party that pursues less government regulatory action, more individual freedom and responsibility, a strong belief in the free market system, and has less influence from the religious groups.

Anyway, at this point, I would almost have anyone other than Obama.

Jae said...

alex, you just described ron paul.

Jae said...

and for the record, if we could go back and do it again. i would vote for ron paul.

Alex said...

Yeah, I probably would have voted for him if he made it past the primaries.

Jae said...


Andrew said...

Ron Paul will never get out of a primary. He has already been labeled as a cook, so it will be tough to change his image. What we need is someone like Ron Paul but a bit more electable. A Billionaire who could also drop a $100 Million into the race would be fantastic.

Alex said...

I would rather not have a billionaire, but I understand that it is difficult to get elected without money. Another problem with the system I guess.

Jae, I am a little baffled by the 180 degree turn in presidential preference.

Jae said...

peter schiff anyone? ;)

alex, stop trying to categorize me :P , i don't fit in your little box.

Alex said...

Not trying to categorize. But I think most people would agree that Barack Obama to Ron Paul is a BIG change.

Peter Schiff sounds good for economics but I am curious about what his other views are.