Monday, June 08, 2009

Asa and Molly's engagement party...

It was a fiesta.  Most of you will recognize all 3 of the amigos/groomsmen.


Adam said...

I like how Asa is grabbing her boob in the second picture. Great idea for a party though. It looks like a lot of fun!

Andrew said...

Oh my word. That is something alright. Did you all sing "My Little Buttercup"?

Logan said...

We watched the clip. This was a last minute thing we threw together so we didn't have time to memorize the words and dance. We did do the "Where ever there is will find us.........." thing though.

Yea, Asa had a handful. As did Purdy. You can't see his left hand, haha.

Nick D said...

Pretty good idea for a last minute idea...costumes look good.