Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Peter Schiff on The Daily Show (06/09)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Peter Schiff
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorNewt Gingrich Unedited Interview


Adam said...

Jae hearts Peter Schiff. Have you read his book?

Jae said...

i don't read books, they take me too long :).

maybe they'll make it into a movie.

Alex said...

That would probably be the most boring movie ever.

Jae, I would like to thank you for posting a clip that is less than 10 minutes.

I would have to agree with Peter Schiff, and I feel like I have been preaching what he has been saying for awhile now. Especially the part about letting these failing companies fail. New businesses would equal new jobs.

Jae said...

when you make it on daily show i will post your clip.

and if google invites you out for a talk i will post that as well :).