Much more room than the RSX. This is a nice 4-door I can actually drive people! Right now it is bone-stock with exception to the tinted yes, all that is standard on the Evo X...but that will change of course:)
And Jae, no, I'm not going to go through all that like I did with the RSX. In fact, I'm not even going to touch the sound system...don't really have is already very nice.
I was going to try and get interior pics, but as you can see it was raining...I'll post some later.
Wow the car looks nice. I love the look and it looks like it has a little more room then your old car as well.
Does that come standard? If so touche to them.
Look awesome. I dig the color too!
very nice ole, so how many small asian women can you fit in there anyway?
any plans to sound-proof this one like you did the last?
Much more room than the RSX. This is a nice 4-door I can actually drive people! Right now it is bone-stock with exception to the tinted yes, all that is standard on the Evo X...but that will change of course:)
And Jae, no, I'm not going to go through all that like I did with the RSX. In fact, I'm not even going to touch the sound system...don't really have is already very nice.
I was going to try and get interior pics, but as you can see it was raining...I'll post some later.
What size shoes you got on there now?
18s...and I'll be putting my new springs on this weekend:)
Sweet. That is what I thought they were, they look good for being standard.
Very nice car Bryan.
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