Thursday, January 22, 2009

hey all

i am back from 10 days in bum-f*** new mexico where we were doing a test for work.

amanda, hope you are feeling better. ava is also under the weather. she was bitten by a dog at the dog park and is now sporting a sweet Elizabethan collar and antibiotics. on the plus side, she gets her butt rubbed with ointment twice a day and how many of us can say that?

i wasn't able to watch the inauguration since we were working. i am now catching up on things due to the magic of digital-video-recording. even without watching the speech, i am already overwhelmed by the amount of coverage that was on tv and radio. notice that i didn't call it news coverage because even though it's on cnn i can only hear someone say "making history" so many times and still call it news. i think the networks ran out of worthwhile things to say about 16 minutes into the coverage and needed to use 6-days 7-hrs 43-mins of interviewing people in the crowd to fill in until the actual inauguration. don't get me wrong, i am as excited (exited) about the possibilities that Obama brings as anybody else. but listening to stacey from south carolina drone on about the other people from south carolina that she just happened to run into is not really enriching my life nor is it informing me of the news.

talking about dvr's, let me just say that going back to old-school non-dvr tv watching at the hotel sucks big donkey ****. not being able to watch two shows that air simultaneously is almost as annoying as having to time my sh*ts on commercial breaks.


Andrew said...

I can honestly say I watched ZERO minutes of the inauguration. When my kids ask me where I was when Obama was sworn in, I can honestly say I was sitting in my apartment in DC watching the 1st season of True Blood. I am pretty excited to hear Obama's State of the Union. I mean you can only use words like "hope" and "change" with no substance for so long. My guess his policies will involve cutting Military and Intelligence spending in half, increasing welfare programs, raising taxes and of course giving people who took out ridiculous home loans tons of cash, but he won't change the law that forces banks to give mortgages to people who are obviously not qualified because owning a home is now a right and not a privilege.

Nick D said...

"Test" for work eh? Sounds intriguing and vague.

We are about 2 months into our DVR subscription and I LOVE IT. I would have to agree going back to not having it is no longer an option.

Drew like you I did not watch a single second of the inauguration besides when the damn gym had it on every TV. I had my IPOD in though so I did my best to ignore it. Personally I HOPE things CHANGE, I want the economy to start firing on all cylinders again, so he has my support for now.

PS J Thanks for giving me love on the exited thing...respect.

Adam said...

Or as Ali G says, "Restecp"

Drew, how are you liking True Blood? I personally thought it was fantastic. DVR sucks because there are no good TV shows on. I can only watch the same episode of Top Chef so many times in a row.

Alex said...

I couldn't watch the inauguration because I was working unlike Obama's followers. (No offense Jae.) ;)

Excited about Obama? Please tell me something he is going to do that will help our country prosper. What does he bring to the table?

All I ever here him say is something about "hope" and "change." Try not to use those words in your response.

If owning a house is a right, then how come I am going to probably have to put down 20% to get one.

Jae said...

it could be worse, you could have a house that is worth half of what you paid for it. a friend of mine said houses in cali are down 50%.

as far as obama goes, i am glad that the environment will be in the forefront for once. that's mainly why he got my vote.

adam, i'm not really sure what you're talking about. if you need some recommendations for shows to record i can suggest a few. biggest loser and 30 rock to start.

Alex said...

Oh no! The liberal policies of California are supposed to be the future of the USA economy!

Anyway, I don't really see that as being worse considering...he has a house!

I will be surprised if Obama does much for the environment considering that is just something you say to get elected. Although he may tax the hell out of SUV and pickup drivers to indirectly "force" people to buy the kind of car the government deems worthy.

Wait a sec, a government would never try to control the population or to tell them what they should or should not have. That has never happened before.

On another note, Biggest Loser is alright, but I do not like 30 Rock (I prefer agenda free TV.) I would go with The Office, Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother. Dexter is also quality programming.

Eric said...

I took a few minutes to watch the inauguration at work. I thought it was pretty well done sans the flubbed swearing in.

I did not vote for Obama, but I'm now interested in seeing what he manages to change and how fast he does it.

What I find most interesting right now is his pledge to make this the most transparent administration in the eyes of the American public. How can this be accomplished? Is he going to start a presidential blog? Will he be my facebook friend?

As for the mortgage issue that Drew brought up, I second Alex's statement. What is this mythical law that forces banks to hand out mortgages? If it exists, why didn't the previous administration get rid of it? Obama's been the President for a day, not a year.

On the topic of giving out cash to people who took out home loans, I for one am looking forward to the federal housing tax credit that we will receive on our taxes this year, completely eradicating our existing debt, c/o the rep administration, not the dems.

Eric said...

haha, you don't like 30 Rock b/c it has an agenda, but you're South Park's biggest fan? How does 30 Rock have an agenda, anyway?

PS - 30 Rock is my favorite show, just ahead of The Office.

Alex said...

Southpark's agenda appears to be to make fun of everyone.

Well, I have to admit that I have only watched 30 Rock a few times and they tend to like to throw in jokes about politicians they disagree with. Plus it is hard to not have an agenda with Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin. However, when I have watched 30 Rock, Tracy Morgan has been hilarious!

Jae said...

i think the law is something that was started by clinton that forced fannie and freddie to loosen their loan requirements to include those unfortunate souls that could not otherwise qualify. it is basically the root of all evil.

anyway, i'm not really for taxing trucks and suvs since that tax would miss me completely. i'm more inclined to support a heavy tax on gasoline itself ($4 sounds like a nice round number). too bad Dr. Chu already said at his confirmation that this wasn't in the cards. at least not any time soon.

i had watched a few 30 rocks and didn't really like it. then we started watching from the beginning using netflix's watch now on the 360 and now i am a fan.

Adam said...

Biggest Loser? Watching a bunch of disgusting fat people being forced to exercise doesn't sound like fun to me. Alex, I have been meaning to give Dexter a shot. It is definitely on my list. I wish HBO had more tv shows. They have some bad ass writing.

Adam said...

Oh and it doesn't matter what Obama does because he is going to kill our military and we're going to get nuked by the Arabs anyway.

Alex said...

Jae is right on with the legal issue that killed mortgage availability. I guess those "unfortunate souls" weren't qualifying for a good reason.

Taxing gasoline more would not be something I would support considering it is already taxed pretty heavily.

On another note, Netflix on the 360 is fantastic! I have been catching up on the old seasons of The Office.

Everyone should try watching Dexter. It is a very addicting show. Someone also told me to check out Weeds (I think it was Eric or Jae) which I has queued up on my Netflix on 360.

I hope Obama doesn't destroy our military now that he has moved all the terrorists out of Guantanamo into the USA.

Leighton said... how does this Netflix on 360 work anyway? Give me the low-down.

Oh and Rory has Live now...we need to start gaming again...or atleast you and Jae need to call me when you do!

Adam said...

This is all I have to say about Xbox:

Jae said...

leighton, it's dog simple. you just add movies or tv series to your watch instantly queue through netflix's website. then, after linking your live account to your netflix account, your watch instantly queue shows up when you go on live. you will be given instructions on how to link your accounts the first time you try to watch on live.

Jae said...

adam, you really should give biggest loser a shot. we all know your view of overweight people, luckily the trainers on that show share your opinions. the transformations are really impressive, so much so that by the end of a season you will feel big fat and lazy :).