Monday, December 29, 2008

Back from ski trip, New Year's Eve plans

Hey all, we just got back from Gatlinburg, TN and wanted to remind you that everyone is invited over to our place for New Year's Eve. Let me know if you think you'll be coming in the comments so I can get an idea of how many people I should expect. The ski trip went really well considering it was my first time skiing. I took a lesson to get the feel for it and spent most of the night on the green circle run with everybody else. For my last trip down the mountain I went down a blue square. I felt like I was going 100mph and was totally out of control. Just before I was about to go off the side of the mountain I laid it down and slid for about 50-100 feet. Teddy was laughing so hard that he took his first and only fall of the night. Overall it was an awesome trip, we'll definitely go again in the near future.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

Well today is the last day of work for me until the 5th. Not sure what I will do to keep myself busy but I will try to find something. Wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Eve since tomorrow you will probably be busy with Tiny Little Infant Jesus stuff. For those of you who are making it to the DiVincenzo's party today, give my family a hug, have an extra plate, and down an extra cold one for me.

Best wishes- j

Monday, December 22, 2008

Dear Nick,

While you were sitting in the airport in the freezing north, I was out catching these.

Friday, December 19, 2008

F the North

This fucking storm is screwing up my vacation big time. I was supposed to leave today for Texas and now I am scheduled for Sunday. However, what does the weather report say for Sunday...shocker more snow/sleet. Fuck the north and there shitty weather I will take the heat and sun any day of the year. I am done with this shiiiiiit.

Sorry Adam it is the other way around it.

Nick D > rory

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

MyCatchLog v2.0

Hey Guys and Girls -

We are in our final stage of testing for MyCatchLog v2. We added some cool stuff like automatically generating the sea conditions based on buoy data. Another cool feature is the ability to right click on the map to generate GPS coordinates. It is also a lot faster to enter catches. I logged my last fishing trip in the old version and it took me 3 mins 45 secs. This version took me 1min 3 secs for the exact same trip.

Go sign up and try to break it! Let me know what you find that is not working so we can fix it.



PS for those of you who have already registered, we have not migrated the old user data to the new version yet so you will have to make a new account.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Auburn Fan Reacts to the Gene Chizik Hiring

Do you agree Alex? Haha.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Its Official - FLORIDA vs. OKLAHOMA

I know its about a month away, but damn it I'm excited! So what are your thoughts about the game?

Noles look like they'll have a pretty easy bowl game. I have no confidence whatsoever in teams from the Big Ten. FSU should destroy Wisconsin easily.

Also I'm pretty excited about the Cotton Bowl with Ole Miss facing off against Texas Tech. It will be interesting to see the outcome of that game, what with all the Texas fans saying we shouldn't be in the NC game because of our loss to #24 Ole Miss.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I am looking forward to this weekend in hopes that the BCS screwes things up. It could get real interesting if Missouri some how beats OU. However, what would happen if UF barely beats Bama?? I was looking at the BCS and noticed the computers have UF ranked 6th (probably because of the weak schedule compared to the Big 12 teams, which playing Bama should fix that). Would they get enough computer love to jump Texas?? One would think so certainly the human pollsters would put the SEC champ in 1st or 2nd, but would the computers? I mean if Bama wins it is done and done and if UF blows them out, which I can see happening it is probably done and done as well. Got to love the BCS.

Sunday FSU v UF in basketball.......