Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I'm a big girl now...

Well, my internship paid off. My supervisor got a promotion and you'll never guess who was offered her spot! After only a few short months of working for free I am now the Fitness Director at the AEGON all-employee gym... which basically means I run the company fitness center :) AEGON is some kind of a financial/insurance company (not entirely positive what they all do, it's a big building) and the company I now work for that AEGON contracts me through is called Corporate Fitness Works. I'll be there for at least a year because that's what they asked of me, and then we'll see where it leads me. The pay isn't spectacular but it's a respectable start, and the benefits are a nice supplement to the crap I have, which is something I like to call pay out the A$$ for COBRA. I'll actually have a 401K! Haha... I knew I'd start to grow up sooner or later!


Logan said...

Congrats! Max out that 401.

Andrew said...

Amanda, Congrats on that. Growing up has its perks. And do what Logan says, max that out. I put in as much as the company will match.

Jae said...

good job on workin' the internship route! a fitness director sounds pretty important. i'd definitely get that put on some business cards ;). btw, i agree with these other two shmose about the 401k, bleed that company dry!

Leighton said...

Congrats Amanda! Can't say it enough...max out the employer match of the 401k:)

Nick D said...

Congrats Amander...

They are all idiots spend it all on partying!!!

Nick D said...

PS If you get any say in advertising and need somebody to be in the commercials give me a holla.

Amanda said...

Hahaha, you can be in my upcoming informercial for the new and improved Total Gym with Chuck Norris...

Amanda said...

Oh and by the way... it's a pretty fun job... I have to take care of all the daily operations (budget, purchases, payroll, center and member stats, other office type work that isn't terribly exciting) but I also develop exercise programs for members, give body fat and blood pressure assessments, teach group exercise classes, come up with gimicky programs to recruit and retain members and keep them motivated, and all the great stuff that comes with running a gym. We also have a massage therapist that comes in every Friday, so get free massages if I want too :)

Jae said...

along those same lines, we are actually going to be cancelling our gym memberships and will be without a gym affiliation for the first time since starting college...

ever since jen started working 4 10hr days, the gym is stupid packed when we get off work and so we have essentially stopped going.

we will be trying to get our exercise on using the great outdoors.

maybe amanda can cook us up some workout routines that don't require equipment. you know, like lifting tires and hurdling benches :).

Jae said...

oh and by the way, Chuck Norris doesn't do infomercials... infomercials do Chuck Norris.

Nick D said...

J it is sad to say you just made my day that was great.

Amanda it sounds like a pretty pretty cool gig. I mean you are more or less running a business which is fantastic kick some butt girl.