Thursday, August 14, 2008

I figured y'all would like this.



Adam said...

You're totally right, I love it! it proves he is gay.

Logan said...

que Rory...

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I can't wait for the season to start!

Anonymous said...

Haha Beal. I know the man is awesome, I know he gets the hottest girls, and I know everyone but Gators hate him. So I don't need to defend the guy. He'll do it himself again this year on the field.

Nick D said...

Chistopher Reeves....

Enough said.

Amanda said...

Wow... too far?

Anonymous said...

I agree, wayyyy too far. How dare they compare Superman to Tim Tebow?! Its almost insulting to Tebow...I mean Superman was fake, come on.

Amanda said...

Wow remains the only word I have...


Anonymous said...

Haha, thats what I was going for ;)

Nick D said...

I think they need to test Timmy for Stem Cells are something. I believe Southpark did a documentary about that. I distinctly remember Reeves (Tebow)sucking cells out of embryo's...quite facinating.

Anonymous said...

Nick, please re-read your post. Honestly, your grammar skills never cease to amaze me. Ha ha.

Nick D said...

I belive it would be more accurate to say "my lack of grammer skills"...idiot.

Amanda said...

I think I just laughed myself retarded...

Nick D said...

Hmmm...I mean do not take this the wrong way, but I kind of thought you were already.

Sorry it was a perfect set and I had to Misty May it (spike it home).

Amanda said...

Well played sir... clearly I should have stuck with my first choice and said "I just peed a little."