Sunday, August 17, 2008

and it begins...

Started my latest home project which is wiring my house with CAT-5e for Gigabit home network. The final network will have a total of 12 drops in 6 rooms. A buddy of mine who has a house in the same subdivision (same floorplan) went halfsy's w/ me on materials and labor. My house is the guinea pig.

Here's the access to the devil's den. Crawling around the attic in the dead of summer in Tucson isn't exactly fun but it has to be done.

Here's the first drop we did. Picked up everything from All told damage was $102 per person which is a far cry from what it would cost to get someone to do this for me. Plus, where's the fun in that?!

Keystone jacks on the first drop. These little guys make finishing the wires a breeze.

The first jack buttoned up. The jacks lie flush with the plate and everything looks beautiful :).

A little snap down one direction of the devil's den.

and the other direction. Not much sense of scale in these pictures but it is hella tight.

The second plate in the loft. Opposite wall from the first. This one went super easy.

This is the one place where I had to cut the drywall. The attic access stops right at the leftmost stud. So we had to drop down into the wall and punch through to where we had cut the hole for the master plate. I kept the drywall pieces and I'll end up re-screwing them back in and patching around them once everything is done.

Close up of four drops making their way through the drilled studs.

An intermediate shot of the master panel.

This is where all the drops are run. This master panel will then serve as my patch panel where I intend to run two subnets. One subnet will be my regular internet access and will have my xbox, laptop, and one nic of my desktop. The second subnet will host my MythTV frontends and backends.

Well that's what we accomplished the first day... will try to remember to snap more pics as more progress is made.


Leighton said...

So to us regular people...what the hell is that and what does it do? Good work by the way...attics suck!

Jae said...

whereas most people just put up a wireless network (WiFi) and call it a day. that doesn't get you enough bandwidth to really share media the way i would like. with a wired gigabit lan i can have more than enough bandwidth to stream hdtv channels to any of the rooms that have one of these drops in them. then, using MythTV, any televisions that are put in have access to all the same tv-tuners, dvds, music, pictures, etc.

Leighton said...

Score! I like it.

Nick D said...

That is very impressive. Today I went and bought a picture frame and put a picture in it...

Anonymous said...

Awesome Jae. That sounds tight.

Nick...was it a picture of me?

Logan said...

He probably put that Tebow picture in the post below in the frame.

Eric said...

boy, that looks familiar... oh yeah, that's what I do at work! Thankfully that's not a task I have to do all that often, and it's through drop ceilings, not attics. I've been considering doing that myself actually, but I've been trying to figure out if I could make use of the On-Q Home box that's in my master closet.

Eric said...

wait, tv's have access to your network? what are you using to connect between the network and the tv's?

Nick D said...

Rory you know the picture Constanza takes in Seinfeld when he thinks the picture lady is looking at his photos...that is what I have of you...I have no idea how I got it.

Jae said...

mythtv frontend

Eric said...

So you'd need a pc at each tv. It's also possible to hook up a modulator to put a signal on one of your unused cable channels, like up in the 80's, if you don't want 4 or 5 PC sucking power around your house.

Jae said...

it wouldn't need much, the frontends can netboot and can get by with a single-core processor with on-board video doing most of the heavy lifting. plus the pcs will be down in the noise when it compares to the flat-screens :).