Sunday, August 31, 2008

cabling update

we got four more drops done today (two plates on either side of my back bedroom)... this is about the extent of the drops that are done in a reasonable amount of work (i.e. up through wall, across attic, down into patch-panel). the four remaining will take a bit more work... the last two upstairs are in the master bedroom which -- in k.b. home's infinite wisdom -- is completely sealed off from the rest of the house. there is essentially attic space above my master that i cannot get to. the final two drops will be downstairs in the living room. the main challenge here is the downstairs part. more updates to come (hopefully)...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


For college football starting today and NFL starting next Thursday!!!!!!!!



Nick D

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mmm, Beer!

Just bottled my second batch of homebrew beer, this time it's a British Pale Ale, the most popular beer in the world! Hopefully *fingers crossed* it will be ready to drink when you guys get to town so you can give it a try.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Where are you registered?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

and it begins...

Started my latest home project which is wiring my house with CAT-5e for Gigabit home network. The final network will have a total of 12 drops in 6 rooms. A buddy of mine who has a house in the same subdivision (same floorplan) went halfsy's w/ me on materials and labor. My house is the guinea pig.

Here's the access to the devil's den. Crawling around the attic in the dead of summer in Tucson isn't exactly fun but it has to be done.

Here's the first drop we did. Picked up everything from All told damage was $102 per person which is a far cry from what it would cost to get someone to do this for me. Plus, where's the fun in that?!

Keystone jacks on the first drop. These little guys make finishing the wires a breeze.

The first jack buttoned up. The jacks lie flush with the plate and everything looks beautiful :).

A little snap down one direction of the devil's den.

and the other direction. Not much sense of scale in these pictures but it is hella tight.

The second plate in the loft. Opposite wall from the first. This one went super easy.

This is the one place where I had to cut the drywall. The attic access stops right at the leftmost stud. So we had to drop down into the wall and punch through to where we had cut the hole for the master plate. I kept the drywall pieces and I'll end up re-screwing them back in and patching around them once everything is done.

Close up of four drops making their way through the drilled studs.

An intermediate shot of the master panel.

This is where all the drops are run. This master panel will then serve as my patch panel where I intend to run two subnets. One subnet will be my regular internet access and will have my xbox, laptop, and one nic of my desktop. The second subnet will host my MythTV frontends and backends.

Well that's what we accomplished the first day... will try to remember to snap more pics as more progress is made.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I figured y'all would like this.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Expert Angler

This past week I spent some time on the Jersey shore with Allie and her family. Logan is always posting his pictures of giant whales caught on his boat, so I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to post this. We only caught little tiny fish but it was a lot of fun and I drank a lot of beers in 4 hours. Isn't that what fishing is all about?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

To Groomsmen, RE: Rides

I've been asked a few times about getting to the wedding, and more importantly, getting back from the reception. Since I need all of the groomsmen together before the wedding to get ready and take pictures, I think it would be best for me to pick all of you up in the morning and take you up to Christina's brother's house to get ready. That way I'll have my car up there to head out after the wedding, and no one will be stuck there drunk with a car. After the ceremony, we'll take the limo to the reception. Following the reception, the worst case is you catch a ride home with your families, at the mercy of when they want to leave. A better situation in my opinion is if one of you can convince your date to be a DD, drive a large suv type car up there, and drive everyone back to NW B-town. I think that's a pretty solid plan... feel free to post suggestions.

PS - Let me know if you've been fitted for your tux in the comments.

Bahamas pics

Sorry, I got back and forgot to put these up.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Blogger Babies

Is anyone else freaked out by those baby pictures on the blogger dashboard?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Happy birthday Jae! (And Alex)

Jae...welcome to a very boring age of 26. are one year closer to 30:)

We'll celebrate in Sept!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A drinkers paradise

I am planning a trip to New Orleans for Halloween. The modern holiday of Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (Irish pronunciation: [ˈsˠaunʲ]; from the Old Irish samain).[2] The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is sometimes [3] regarded as the "Celtic New Year".[4] Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundary between the alive and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops. The festivals would frequently involve bonfires, where the bones of slaughtered livestock were thrown. Costumes and masks were also worn at the festivals in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or placate them. Thanks Wikipedia, I like to keep the history lesson going. The only evil spirits I wish to placate come in packs of twelve. These spirits like the ones mentioned above also cause sickness and damage, but coupled with Bourbon Street it is all worth it. I would like invite everyone down for the mayhem that a Friday Halloween brings. This includes people from Florida, New England, Out West, Alabama, Kentucky, Texas,not you Mississippi, Georgia is cool, but North Dakota is right out. Airfare is cheap, hotels are cheap, drinks are cheap, and you can get drinks taller than most grade school children.

I'm a big girl now...

Well, my internship paid off. My supervisor got a promotion and you'll never guess who was offered her spot! After only a few short months of working for free I am now the Fitness Director at the AEGON all-employee gym... which basically means I run the company fitness center :) AEGON is some kind of a financial/insurance company (not entirely positive what they all do, it's a big building) and the company I now work for that AEGON contracts me through is called Corporate Fitness Works. I'll be there for at least a year because that's what they asked of me, and then we'll see where it leads me. The pay isn't spectacular but it's a respectable start, and the benefits are a nice supplement to the crap I have, which is something I like to call pay out the A$$ for COBRA. I'll actually have a 401K! Haha... I knew I'd start to grow up sooner or later!

Monday, August 04, 2008

What has our society become

Read the article first and then my response below.

It's sad that our society as a whole is so ignorant as to warrant an article about someone making a reference to ancient roman history. There was a time when the phrase "alea iacta est" was one of hundreds of phrases memorized, along with the historic or literary stories behind them. This knowledge enriched and enlightened our lives, and public discourse as well. Take the phrase, written by Horace: "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori," which means "it is a sweet and honorable thing to die for one's country.". Horace was being literal when he wrote this. Now when Wilfred Owen, a soldier in WWI, was in the trenches, he thought of Horace and thought "how wrong that old coot was.". Owen then used Horace's phrase as the basis for a poem about the horrors of war and how senseless all the killing was. I make two points: this is much more effective than "Bush lied, people died." And huzzah for a Colgate man making reference to the Rubicon. A small victory but a victory nonetheless.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

$250 = $300

just helped my mom set up a new ingdirect savings account. she used my referral to get a free $25 and made an initial deposit of at least $250 to get another free $25. so she was able to turn her $250 into $300 and all i got was a measly $10 referral bonus.

let me know if anyone else wants to take advantage of this, maybe i can turn these referrals into a free tank of gas :P

Another bank bites the dust

Bradenton makes the front page of digg, but not for something good of course.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Wedding Invite Clarification

A "+1" is implied for everyone that received an invitation addressed to themselves only. In those cases, we either didn't know your significant other's last name or didn't know if one existed at all. Sorry if there was any confusion!

Friday, August 01, 2008

College Rankings

I know everyone is aware that UF topped the list of party schools this year but a more important ranking came out, the schools whose graduates make the most money. I just thought I would post some of the results...

CollegesStarting Median SalaryMid-Career Median Salary
University of Florida (UF)$47,100$87,900
Florida State University (FSU)$42,100$73,000
Auburn University$45,400$84,700
Middlebury College$47,700$94,200
Colgate University$52,800$108,000

Here is the link, in case you want to check it out. Alex, do not worry you beat Alabama.