Thursday, February 28, 2008

Reality TV is BRUTAL

I don't know if any of you all watch the show "Moment of Truth," but contestants on it take a polygraph test and based on those answer they have to tell the truth to America to win money. Anyway, last night it reached a new low. I admit I watch this stuff, but wow, its brutal. Check it out....


Nick D said...

I was actually meaning to watch this show. Due to the fact this people are so deranged and lack of other quality programming.

Best part is the husband guy is a NYPD officer, his face is plastered all over the papers up here..haha.

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, I feel bad for the guy. Man, imagine finding out your wife is cheating on you on national television (Fox no less)!

Andrew said...

I read the article in the NY Post about this guy and girl. She is quite possibly the biggest bitch ever. She basically admits she screwed her husband over to get into acting. She left the show with no money and no leads.

Nick D said...

Wow....I hope NOTHING good comes of this for her.

Adam said...

I can't believe she got nothing out of that. It honestly sounded like an episode of Jerry Springer. Makes me glad I only get 4 channels of TV. At least I don't get this garbage on Netflix.

Jae said...

You don't get FOX in your 4 channels? This just supports the claims that there is nothing FOX won't do for ratings.

Leighton said...

I watched this episode on Monday and I am so glad that bitch walked out empty handed! That was brutal what she did to that guy on national TV, and he seems like an honest hard-working man. Luckily it happened so publically that hopefully every guy knows who she is and she will be 'blacklisted' so to speak.

Andrew said...

I do not think guys should blacklist her. They should just try to have their way with her in the most uncomfortable of places...

Jae said... the back of a volkswagen?

Amanda said...
