Toshiba offically announced the death of HD-DVD yesterday, ending the format war. The install base of about 1.3m are SOL. This makes me extremely happy that I chose the PS3 over the 360+hddvd! Anyone have any comments on how long/short the war went on? Anyone on the wrong side of the street stuck with an hd-dvd player?
I contemplated buying the Xbox HD-DVD player but I chose to wait for the price war to end. I guess I may have to consider buying a Blue Ray player...wait a second...the DVDs cost twice as much! Screw that, I am sticking with my out of date model until prices come down.
By the way, I am sad to hear that you purchased a PS3. You are really missing out when it come to online play. I guess Bryan, Jae, Chris, and I will just have to count you out. :)
I am quite satisfied playing CoD4 online and not having to pay for it.
It may be free, but can you put a price on online gaming with the witty banter of Jae and Chris, the weak excuses for early bedtimes from Bryan, or my constant complaining that another son-of-a-bitch killed me? You must agree that a monetary value can not be placed on such luxuries!
You all have CoD4 for XBox? I just got it recently and I was thinking about getting XBox Live? Remember the good ol' Rogue Spear days?!
Yeah, we play CoD4 most evenings, so you definitely need to get Xbox Live.
Ah, the Rogue Spear days...grenades only sure was a good time!
By the way, slow days at work sure do help with blogging!
I can tell you that I am completely shocked that Blue Ray won. Only because my father went with the PS3 for the Blue Ray player. This is the man who, I am convinced, was the only person in the world to purchase a Laser Disc player. Unfortunately, the machine died at the end of last year when the lightening struck, which resulted in the purchase of the ridiculous TV and the PS3 for my father. Oh yea, he is going to start switching the New Room seating from the hurrting couch to stadium style, that should be sweat.
Ah man Rogue Spear was great. I loved grenade wars, no idea how I found ways to never die while playing. And listening to all of us bitch of "lag" was great as well.
I am just throwing this out there, but could you imagine watching a porn on that TV Drew. Actually it could be very frightening.
I thought this was pretty funny.
Top 10 things to do with your HD-DVD Player
- eBay
- Doorstop
- Entertainment center cup-holder
- Destroy it. Office Space style.
Oh, the humanity
1. Mail it to the office of Howard Stringer in protest of Blu-ray's victory.
2. Plug it into your clothes dryer's 240-volt outlet. Woops, honey! My bad, guess we have to buy a Blu-ray player now.
3. Finally, replace your Betamax player.
4. Buy the Blu-ray player of your choice, put it in the box, attempt to return it as "defective."
5. Channel it through Whoopi Goldberg and make some pottery with it.
6. Put a Blu-ray disc in the tray and then call up Toshiba when it doesn't work. Repeatedly.
7. Put it in a time capsule, just to confuse future generations.
8. Buy a few dozen of 'em and build a little hut for your Blu-ray player.
9. Lock it alone in a room with a few lethal weapons... let it die honorably.
10. Use it to upscale DVDs, which is all you ever used it for anyways.
Dr. Fasoli is playing PS3?! What in the hell is going on?
However, the stadium seating does sound pretty sweet. What kind of TV did he get?
Yeah I remember the good old lag days of Rouge Spear. Everyone else is running around smoothly and I am stuck facing a corner for 5 seconds at a time.
Alex, you'll like the new TV at the Fasoli home. It is a 73" Mitsubishi DLP. The other day he also bought a subwoofer amp and hooked up the old subwoofers from mine and Drew's old cars. I can't wait to hear what that sounds like.
Nick, glad to hear you are still alive after this weekend. I am still feeling pretty foggy. I think I am going to go to sleep in an hour...
Yea the bus ride home was a combination of fog and sleeping. It is getting harder and harder to rebound from weekends like that. It was a good time though my friend.
$5 a month for live is hardly expensive even on the most modest budget. plus playing online with people you know makes up for it 10 fold.
no doubt the 360 will be coming out with a blu-ray drive in the near future. they already released a statement a while back saying that there's no technical reason that they couldn't have one as an add-on like the hd-dvd was.
on a side note, anyone else hear the rumors of netflix coming out with straight-to-(xbox 360 & ps3) rentals?
We have a PS3 at my place... I don't really think there's a point to that, just wanted to weigh in. I think it's BA. My roomate has a 360 and plays Halo with 16 year olds. 'Nuff said.
I personally bought my XBOX360 to play games, not watch I really don't care about the format war. And when it comes to games XBOX > PS3 hands down. Plus...$50 for a whole year of XBOX Live is a non-factor.
Lastly, I is awesome being able to play and "hangout" every night online with Alex, Jae, and Chris. Anybody that has an XBOX needs to get Live.
On a side note, I have the flu and haven't been on all week, but i might get on tonight.
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