Monday, February 25, 2008

Another tough day at the office



Nick D said...

Those are some massive fish Real Deal. Is that big grey fish a shark?

That last pic kind of looks like your dock in Btown.

Anonymous said...

You hang out with a lot of half naked dudes. Does a free oil-up come with every excursion? Haha.

Logan said...

Nick, not a shark. Its a cobia. I ate some of him tonight.

Rory, they are quote, "Getting Rays."

Leighton said...

I was thinking the same thing Nick...that last pic reminds me of the Bayou. Nice pics and nice fish Log!

Anonymous said...

True that Beal. I would post some pics of me at work, however I'm afraid me sitting in a windowless room with a computer and thousands of legal books/documents wouldn't exactly tickle you're fancy. Although I do have some leftover pics from my stint in the porno business.

Nick D said...

What was your stage name again Zinna?

Anonymous said...

I think you meant stage nameS, there were a couple. My favorite though was in that Superhero porn I did...The Tripod.

Nick D said...

That was one of my favorites you did as well, I also liked the epic film "Trojan Horse" you did.

Amanda said...

I'd post pics of me at work too... but I don't have a job.

Jae said...

I'd post pics of me at work... but I'd have to kill you.

Nick D said...

You should see some pics of me in my new film "Accountants gone wild"

Leighton said...

haha Jae and Amanda.

I'd post pics, but I'm lazy. I'll seriously try though.