Monday, February 04, 2008


I can't believe we blew a perfect season in the Super Bowl. I would have rather lost in the first round and been written off as a fluke. It sucks being a Pats fan and an Anti-Red Sox fan now too. Not only have people reignited some ridiculous NY/Boston "rivalry" but now the shitty Red Sox have won and the glorious Pats have blown an entire year's hard work. 16-0 means absolutely nothing without the Super Bowl. I hate the Mannings.


Alex said...

Woo Hoo! Go Giants! Down with the Cheatriots! Just messing with you NE fans. It certainly turned out to be a great game!

Leighton said...

I was actually rooting for the Pats (they knocked out Jax), but I have to say it was pretty satisfying to watch Belli-dick abandon his team on the field with time on the clock. God, I hate that guy. Overall, great game, eventhough I really wanted NE to go undefeated.

Jae said...

I don't know why you hate the Mannings, Eli looked like the only guy on the giants ready to give the game over. He got mvp in my opinion because his W.R made him look good. As for the pats, it's their own fault they couldn't get anything going on offense. Did they really not expect brady to get pressured? They should have been more prepared for that...

And I'm with bsl, bellicheck is a douche for storming off with his panties in a bunch while there was still time on the clock.

Overall, my ideal night would have been... don't air any of the game pre-4th quarter because it put me to sleep. Play all the commercials up to the fourth quarter back-to-back. Then show the 4th in all it's excitement and glory.

Andrew said...

I have to agree with Jae. I nearly went to bed half way through the 3rd quarter, I am sick and working on an uber-shitty special, all I want to do is sleep and drink. But I forced myself to stay up. I must say I was not happy the NY Giants winning, but I am glad that the Pats are 18-1. Also, Belicheck is is just getting too cute by half. And I hate when people get that way.

Nick D said...

Go Giants, NY>Boston

Anonymous said...

So glad....anyone but the Pats. Jae you should hate the Mannings too, we're Gators!

Logan said...

Ehh, Peyton never beat the Gators.

Jae said...

Rory, of course I hate Eli. My comment implied he was helpful to the Pats (in other words, he sucks).

Anonymous said...

Haha, gotcha Jae.