Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Some of you east coast people are probably past presents and almost onto food. Let's post comments of our favorite gifts... we haven't done gifts yet so I'll chime in later.

Monday, December 24, 2007

the price is wrong bitch

well along with the joys of the holidays comes the boredom of day-time tv. there used to be beacon of light among the rest of tv-land trash and that show was the price is right. it was your favorite and mine and was an easy way to waste an hour. now, however, drew carey is hosting this once great show and he has completely ruined it. he has absolutely no ability to fill in the time between activity (be it choosing a price, or talking to contestants). he delivers every line in the exact same tone, and doesn't seem to feed off the excitement of the crowd at all. i know bob is like 195, but can't we put another coat of paint on him and bring him back?? please!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Moment of Truth

This should be my last homebrew post, I promise... unless I start kegging. Pictured above is my first poured homebrew beer. As you can see, it's color is nearly identical to Newcastle and it has a nice head. It tastes a lot like Newcastle, except it has a slightly hoppier smell and taste. It also has a noticeably higher alcohol content. If you're in town, come by and try it after Christmas!


Anyone ever had "water on the knee"?
If so, does it hurt when they drain it?
I'm so scared... =(

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Last minute gift idea

I thought that some of you guys might need an idea for a last minute gift.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Finally I can relax!

My first semester as a grad student is officially over, and I currently hold a 3.40 (an A and 2 B's). I must say I had hoped for better, because it was within reach until the end. But ehh, what can you do... I'm still proud of me :o)

P.S. I've applied for a GA position which would span the next 2 semesters in the Sport and Field department. No clue what the job would entail at this point, my advisor just asked if I'd be interested and proceeded to submit my app. So anyway I'll let you know if anything happens there... just keep your fingers crossed for me that I might soon get the crap out of retail. I'm out for X-mas Eve (work - of course), but I'll see most of you guys the 28th if not before. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A day that will live in infamy

I want to announce to the world that I am now the proud owner of a Wii. That is sitting on the kitchen table just waiting to be unwrapped. Taunting me with its shiny red wrapping paper, that glistens when the light strikes its reflective surface. Peppermint ribbon locking away its hidden treasure, until gathered around the tree, I tear into it, releasing its wonder. Why couldn't Jesus have been 6 days premature, it probably wouldn't have affected him too bad, omnipotence and all. December 25th how you mock me with your distance, sacrifices were made upon the mecca of magic that is Toy's R Us, kids were crying because their moms did not love them enough to bring home the prize.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Annual DiVincenzo Christmas Party

Just a reminder as usual we will be having our annual Christmas Eve party. Party starts at 1 ish, so stop on by and join in the festivities. As usual we will have massive amounts of food and drink and the master pusher of food (my dad) will be there in full force. I look forward to seeing everybody.

PS I fly in on Friday the 21st, so if you will be in town let me know. Enjoy the holiday season everybody!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

PSP Games

I've got a friend who wants to buy a PSP game as an xmas gift, any ideas of what is good?

Bowl Mania

College football Pick em on ESPN. Join up boys or girls and lets see what you are made of. Just type in Bowl Mania in ESPN and go from there.

Group: Pick Em' if you can

Password: football

Saturday, December 15, 2007

First the Mitchell Report, now this

On December 11th the US Congress introduced a bill to the floor for consideration. The bill was to recognizing the importance of Christmas and Christianity. 9 Democrats voted against this resolution. And it gets even better, all of these 9 people voted to recognize the importance of Ramadan. I mean come on. One of the 9 is Alcee Hastings. Some may know him as an African-American Congressman from Altamont Springs Florida and others may remember him as the most recent federally appointed Judge to impeached and removed from office, if you care he was impeached for accepting $150,000 bride for a lenient sentence. This is ridiculous. I am also disgusted at the number of republicans and democrats who voted present, just a cop out. I hate people.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mitchell Report

Anyone have any comments on the release of this report?  There are some big names in here, the likes of Bonds, Clemens, Pettitte, Tejada, Giambi, Sheffield, Gagne, LoDuca, Matthews Jr, Glaus, Vaughn, Knoblauch, Justice, ... the list goes on, even as far back as Lenny Dykstra.  The Clemens piece is especially damning, it's about 5 pages long, and goes into quite a bit of detail.

Click here to download the report.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


I'm down in Bradenton this week, so give me a call if you're in town.

Also, I am curious if those of you who live aboard are planning to move back or are contemplating moving back to the greater Bradenton area. I am obviously thinking hard about it, so I was curious what everyone else was thinking.

Bottling Day

It's been 10 days since my first homebrew post, and today was bottling day. My Dad did the capping while I filled the bottles. There's 46 of them in all, and they'll be ready Christmas day.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas Lights Gone Wild

Jen and Jae, I'm expecting your house to look like this... =)