Thursday, July 26, 2007

Xbox 360 failure

My 360 has gone to the crapper. It is experiencing the "Three red lights of death" as described in the link in the title...

For those of you who don't know, Xbox 360s have some fundamental design flaw that causes a large number of them (rumored to be every single one of them) to fail. Microsoft has really stepped up to the plate, however, by extending the warranty by 3 years on all 360s.

I guess I am lucky in that mine failed when it did, hopefully I can get it repaired and back before Halo 3 & GTA 4 come out.

So I called up customer support and you know right off the bat that this is a huge problem because they have already worked the 'three-flashing-red-lights' problem into their automated messages. After waiting on hold for 30 minutes, I got through to an agent who helped me arrange for my prepaid shipping box to send my 360 out for repair or replacement. ETA on the shipping box is 3-5 days. I read online that some people got their box overnighted, we'll see I guess... ETA on the repair is 3-4 weeks (Yikes). I guess this gives me an opportunity to catch up on some house projects.

For my troubles, Microsoft is giving me a free 30 days of xbox live (a whopping $5 value). I guess they are hemorrhaging too much money on the shipping for all these defective consoles. Not to mention they lose money up front on every console they sell.

Believe it or not, this has not turned me off from the 360 nor Microsoft. I think they're really making of effort to correct their mistake. And I'm still over-all very impressed w/ the 360. After working in hi-speed circuit design now it's a no wonder they didn't get everything exactly right on the first try, that shit is tough :).

Monday, July 23, 2007

Btown and the mob

Check the link. Watch out down there Mousseau's. The New York mob may be paying a visit to ya'll. If you catch any heat just drop my name, you will be good.

Nick D

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Show me the money!!

So as many of you know, I have spent the last year kicking-ass at my job at Capital Markets, and it finally paid off. Anyway, I had my 1 year review last week and it went exactly like I wanted it. I got top marks across the board and a ridiculous 20% bump in my salary! Just figured I'd share because I'm super excited. Oh, and I also started trading, so I'm officially a securities trader now!

PS. I'm hoping to get some pics of the office soon, just to show you all where I work.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

This has got "bad idea" written all over it

Pic of my next-door neighbor & his son.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Brew Sack Legal Defense Fund

Check out the link. I used to send her more than 500 e-mails during my last job. And just to clarify, nothing I sent was at all related to what she testified about. But none-the-less in the near future I might be asking for donations to my Legal Defense Fund, Rory graduate law school very very quickly.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

So I Installed Vista Yesterday...

I installed Vista yesterday, and I was wondering if anyone else had it installed and what they thought about it. I really like it, I think it's a nice upgrade from XP. It's not as much of a memory hog as I've heard, it looks great, and everything runs very smoothly. The new sidebar, photo gallery, dvd maker and upgraded media center are great and immediately usable to me. I haven't had any problem installing any of my old programs with the exception of Nero 7, which doesn't support Vista (but I can write dvd's from Vista now anyway). My only beef as of now is that it doesn't seem to let you run unsigned (or unapproved I guess) programs at startup. I have a feeling there's a setting somewhere to change that, but I haven't found it. So for now I have to tell it to start the one program that doesn't at startup. Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hippies - I hate them so much

God damn hippies are killing our society. I blame Al Gore and all those people who think ethanol is good. They are killing America.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. We grilled some burgers and brats with the family and watched the fireworks at Heritage Harbour, a good time was had by all. Earlier today Christina and I went to see Transformers, and I must say the special effects far surpass anything else that has ever been done, and it was a good movie to boot. I highly suggest that all of you see it in the theaters asap. I've included a video of the last few minutes of our fireworks, it was a pretty good show.

Monday, July 02, 2007

ESPY Voting

Just want to reminder all the Gator fans to log onto the ESPY website and vote for the Gators! We are up for best team (Basketball and Football), Best Upset (BCS Championship game), and Bestr Coach (Donovan)....I think thats it, but not sure.