Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Simple Life part 1

Greetings everybody! I have never "blogged" before, but I think this a great idea for all of us to keep and touch without having to actually talk to each other. God knows I am the worst with a telephone, especially since it doesn't work in Macclenny. Anyway, I finally got around to taking some pics of what I have been doing for the past 6 months, and this is the first out of a couple posts. First things first...where I live. We'll start with my room...

Very simple and plain, yet comfortable and classy. Yes, that bed is as comfortable as it looks. Now I'll show you guys the house. This is what I spend my weekends'll see why...

We have started to do the landscaping for the summer and so far we have planted from the far right side of the house to the front walkway. We also layed the decorative blocks around the gargens. If you look, you can see more plants in pots going off to the left. We have also removed 6 columns from the front too, 4 from around the bay window (master bedroom) and two from the right wall (side of garage). Our next project for the front is hanging cranberry-colored shutters...I'll post pics when they are up.

Here is the back. Our current project here is a huge deck we started this weekend. My bro is heading-up this project, so I am basically his bitch for this project. And yes, that is an ABOVE-GROUND pool...this is Macclenny baby!

See I told ya! Actually it is pretty nice. They dug a deep-end and left a three foot lip all the way around so you can walk. But a pool is a pool and I am so glad we have gets really hot out here.

Finally, here is a shot of the barn from the back of the house...maybe 100 yards away?

Stay tuned...tomorrow I will post pics of the animals...

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