Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ok, this is definitely a first for the blog retard that I am. Well it is nice to see everyone contributing and updating us all on their lives. As far as me, I am living in Chicago for a few more months before I start dental school in the fall. I will be starting up at Tufts University in Boston (after just leaving Boston last fall).

But let's be honest. No one cares about me. They want to see the new puppy my sister Mandy (and also my current roommate) just got!! His name is Theodore (a.k.a. Teddy, Puppy that pisses on my rug and whines all night, and Thor) and he is a 9 week old Pug. His favorite hobbies include pooping in his crate and eating the flesh of delicious animals that his Uncle Adam gives him from the table. He is a pure bad ass, so don't f@#* with him!

This is one of his bad ass poses now:

Yeah, he is tough!
Here is a picture of what he does best, sleep on the couch:

Well I trust that you are all sufficiently jealous. Hope everyone is enjoying their spring; although, I guess most of you don't really have a spring where you are... Anyway, take care.



Jae said...

What is it with your family and the pugs? It is definitely cute but I know in the back of my mind what they turn into when they get older (i.e. walking snorting barrels).

Nice pics though,

Leighton said...

lol at "walking snorting barrels!" Anyway, glad to see you are doing well Adam, and if your brother forgot to tell you for me...happy birthday! Tell the fam I said hello.