I opened a credit card with citibank when we moved out here in September. They opened my account with a measly $4000 limit. Each month after my payment cleared, I did a "Credit Line Increase Request".
This usually resulted in an immediate increase of a couple hundred dollars. This past time, however, it showed me a page and asked how much credit I wanted! Not having any idea how much I could get, I asked for $50,000 increase, haha. I should find out in 7-10 days if I got accepted (probably not), or rejected (and how much of an increase I actually get).
Does anyone know any other way to improve your FICO score?
You seem to be doing everything you can right now. Since you don't have a car note or any other financing, credit card will be your best bet. Use your credit card enough so you can pay it in full when the bill arrives. What do you have that reports on your credit report? My problem is usually not enough of a credit history.
I co-signed on the lease for my truck, eventhough the rents are paying it until I graduate.
Do things like rent show up on there?
We funnel everything through the credit card to get the rewards points and they pay it off at the end of the month. Up to 25,000 points, big screen here i come.
I have never known rent to show on a credit report...mortgage yes. If you co-signed on the lease for your truck, then that should report. What about any student loans? Also, things like furniture from like a Rooms-To-Go will show too. You can go to freecreditreport.com to see what reports for free I believe, but have to pay a small fee to check a beacon score.
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