Saturday, April 29, 2006

Joining For The Cause

Hey guys,
I'll join up on this blog in the event that Jae changes the name to something more appropriate. This could really be a great way for us to all keep in touch and even post invites to events for those of us that are in the same town. On that note, I just got back from the Heritage (DeSoto) Parade, and guess who was in it... Josh! Way to go man, you're the best bead passer-outer ever! I'm going to see Schilling kick the crap out of the D-Rays in tomorrow's day game, then I'll be back to see if Jae follows through on my request!


Jae said...

Anything for a friend ;-)

Logan said...

i was at the parade too, at Dr. Kanzler's office. Didn't see Josh or Eric though

Jae said...

He said he was on the side facing shake-pit so that would be opposite Dr. Kanzler's.